Hey fellas.
I'm about to embark on a little 3 month tour of Europe on my sweet fixie..
I'm wondering if there is a site or similar resource with laws of cycling in other countries, as I know there are places where you have to have a brake/helmet/bell etc. I will be riding with a front brake and will be wearing a helmet, but I don't want to be caught out somewhere and fined or have my bike confiscated (ala Berlin brakeless)
Thought I could post in here instead of new thread...
I've had an Ultimate for the past 3 years of being a Messenger in Auckland (NZ) (previously used a horrible Ortleib)
I'm looking at buying another PAC (especially with the free postage thing happening at the moment)
I'm leaning towards a Street Scene: Small. I only need it for mucking about on weekends and stuff, the Ultimate is kinda too big to lug about everywhere with me (plus it stinks, no matter how much I wash it)
What kind of sizes are the Street Scene bags? I have looked at the measurements on the website but I can't seem to picture them too well, does anyone have any pics of Street Scene bags in use? Or has anyone had any experience with one?Very much appreciated.
If you leave the end of the head (the part that you strike the ball with) as a tube cross section, you introduce quite a few unneeded glancing angles that make the strike less predictable - if you really want to get your professional bike polo ass on this (and become some kind of Brick Lane sex hero) it might help to cap these two open ends to give you a single flat (although I recommend a slight convex) striking surface on each end.
Although you might not really give a shit, in which case carry on.
Nice job by the way.
What would you use to cap the ends? After watching Polo overseas I've started it up here in Auckland (NZ) just made a bunch of sticks, had 15 people turn up this weekend, which I'm pretty happy with. Still, could do with a bit more advice on making sticks though..
i'd ask for close up photo of that bit under the top tube near the seat post ;)
has the messiest rear drops i've seen, yuk! no filing back at all :(
Have another look, I asked for photos of the seattube lug, looks nice :)
Someone said it could be a Legnano, but De Bernardi frames used to be made in the Legnano factory..
Are you based in New Zealand? If not then there is no point shipping that half way around the world. If you want a cheap but decent track frame Jos is selling some really nice ex-Velodrome frames from Belgium for <£150.
I'm in Auckland, so will be picking it up if I win.
It's very rare to see frames like this over here, it seems whenever they do come up they are bought by Aussies who then sell them on Ebay :(
Cheers Welsh, I think that site might come in handy.
Prancer, I will definitely be running a front brake, I would have thought a front brake and fixed wheel would be enough for Berlin, although I'm not certain.
What are the laws in the UK regarding brakes?