erm gaining access?? does not compute ...does not compute errrrrrr lol never gained access anywhere with permission that takes the fun out of it.
I have not been out for ages as have been saving up money for new photography stuff and paying for a degree oh yeah and a bike. but will be out soon, I do post process a lot of stuff but the drain stuff is not edited very much its just light painted using torches and fixed lights as its pitch black down there. anyway back to bikes lol
Sewers are amazing, thats not all that's down there. there is a sub subway network that carries communication cables for finance, Police, govt etc. its serviced by lifts that go up as well as accross and you can access it at varies doorways (all disguised) around the city. its crazy stuff. you got cables and rigs that look like scenes from Aliens.. make for some amazing photos!
yeah been in them as well lol.
I use one of these when I am not carrying my camera gear and just my laptop:
similar to the oneused by mdizzle but thinner which is ideal as it stays close to your back and does not catch on things.
erm its on iplayer