So, I bought a lovely guerciotti frame off french ebay.
cost me 32 quid, plus 26 quid postage. just received it today.
just below the lugs on the downtube and just above the lugs of the toptube where they both join the headtube there are two raised lumps (one on each tube) possibly 1mm proud of the tube.
I noticed these as soon as i got a good look at the frame.
It indicated at soem point that it has had a head on collision, I confirmed this by taking it to two bike shops, one of the shops I work at, all the guys there said it was fine and I should ride it.
I took it to a second hand bike shop, the dude there has a load of experience with old steel road frames, plus he builds some himself. he said i shouldnt ride it, it could break.
my two options are as follows - I could possibly try and get a 32 quid refund which could go towards a frame repair (I know a well reputed guy who can replace downtube and toptube for 50 quid) then get a respray which would cost me 30.
then I would have a brand spanking new frame in a colour of my choice (the guerciotti is handmade).alternatively I could get the 58 quid refunded and send it back and look for a new frame (now i have a budget of about £110)
What would you guys do in my situation?
I admit the fact that I contradicted myself but I belive that this is a useful piece of info.
The fact that the frame has snapped in that place could indicate that it will snap in other places too due to age.
I was just trying to give advice, unlike some people who are just posting.. well lets say strange suggestions :)
Wasn't trying to pick at anyone, perhaps this forum is just different to ones im used to. -
I can't help but feel that almost 50% of posts on this forum are extremely unhelpful.
And no doubt ill get some flaming for posting this reply too.As for the frame breakage I would either get it repaired or get a new frame.
The fact that the frame has snapped in that place could indicate that it will snap in other places too due to age. -
Hi everyone.
this is my first thread on the forum.
I'm extremely pleased as after having saved up for a while have managed to snag this frame on ebay.
It's my first fixed gear frame so I would really appreciate some advice. Firstly I do not know what size the BB is, what is the best way to find out? also can this frame take a quill stem or will i have to use a clamp on one?
here is some pictures of the frame. Its a Guerciotti (italian i presume) with reynolds 531.
what do you think?**
** -
You want some grease in your steerer tube to prevent the same problem from happening again.
Let the wd40 or even better gt85 soak for a bit, then try again, afterwards give it a thorough clean and then apply some grease to the inside of the steerer tube, lock it all down nicely and youll be good to go.