and through some viral marketing I let people know that the voting wasn't using cookie or email authentication... which means IP address authentication... and so given that this was the age of dial-up and DHCP the viral campaign was to simply tell all fans to set home pages of their machines to the voting URL, so upon every login on every machine affected, votes were registered. And we won, and it got called fixing,
Sinister ;-)
+-+ "legion of bedroom saddo devotees" "tech-heads and students" +-+
+-+ "the cardie wearing biscuit nibbling belle & sebastian list" +-+
+-+ "sinsietr is a bit freaky" - stuart david, looper +-+About 20 of those votes were me :-)
yep that too:
Milton Wordsworth (played by Danny John-Jules)
(from wikipedia, so might not be true) -
The underground is chill in the morning but awful at night. They should have showers down there for the commuters; there are some funky dudes on those trains
I was one of those smelly people on tuesday and wednesday after having unfixable punctures and a fckd wheel respectively...
I felt pretty guilty getting on a packed tube in my sweaty cycling clothes I can only apologise for adding to the funk. Although those are the first two days in three months, which I think is pretty good going for those of us actually in London and not attached to an ironlung...
Isn't that the cat from red dwarf also played in starlight express... Danny something Jules
I know how you feel Harry, last week noticed I need to replace my rear hub, got two punctures yesterday and this morning I managed to crash into a ped! He was fine, but my front wheel is f'kd!
I actually think I might have done it putting too much weight on the front while breaking (as it wasn't the impact with the ped) or could it be a sign of crappy wheel building?
WOrse than all that it means a second day of getting the fucking tube.
What if I'm one of the two :^]
That's fine then, be offended! :-)
Although, stop talking in the third person, it offends me.
(out of interest what if greasemonkey is one too?)
ps would rep for this but my rep buttons seem to have disappeared (are only those with membership numbers below 1000 allowed to rep now? Or have I done something bad to loose them!?)
P.S did your name just appear on a list???
Although i'd also neg rep for the slightly pompus post before about growning up... on a forum that seems to be completely obsessed with the word cunt and bad puns...
And to contextual it a bit for thee I know of at least 2 regular uses of this forum who have Romany/Carny backgrounds
Shouldn't you be letting them complain if they feel offended then, rather than being offended on their behalf?
Oh and in case you were wondering yes i have sprayed my white walls black - they were just too gay!
No one's even mentioned this bit of the post...
I'm going to stop now though because last time I started on this subject I got called a rascist...
Which I don't think I am... but maybe people that read what I write on a forum can tell if I am better than myself?!
Lovely pictures... hipsters in all their flavours...
If cards get made I want one...
I'm standing in front of Somerset house and next to a businessman
Woo fame at last...
Oh and I want to point out that I didn't choose the clothes to match the bike... just a coincidence (and possibly a bit of photochopping from will?)
Complaints about the Beebs complaints procedure should be sent to here:
feedback@bbc.co.uk -
Even without a cycle lane undertaking on a bike is legal, the highway code mentions bikes and motor bikes filtering traffic I beleive, says something about taking due care and paying attentionn while doing it, but if the cabbie wasn't signalling it's his fault. (note, most cabs have to press a button to let sitengers out so it is the drivers fault not sitenger)
You should have taken his nunmber and complained to the licensing authority.
Although Personnally i try to over take on the right where possible...
I've got to say if one did actually hit me though I certainly would take the law into my own hands and beat the cabbie to death with my lock... er, I mean would not obviously... ahem..
Clothes are my main problem (10 miles each way), jacket on back of seat, trousers in a draw (try to keep three pairs at work to avoid the forgetting to bring some in) shirts on suit bag in corner of office... I've ten shirts so need to bring ironned one's in once a fortnight (well I've got 12, but two shirts are crappy emergancy shirts!)... used to get the tube (also worked as a break when I wasn't used to the commute) but now I just gaffer tape them to my back pack!
But worse than all that is going out after work... either be the freak in lycra or cycle home in a suit and then have to bring it back the day after...
I used to listen to GLR regularly and actually had it on when she started spouting off about cyclists... but changed channel after her first sentence... Have complained, more in the hope that they get someone better on rather than because of any offence though.
The wiki page is getting better and better... I thought reference number 9 was joke, but no!
Good article.
But was disappointed when I got to st. georges road...
Maybe I was a bit early (7.30 or so) but it was basically a HGV with bike banners wrapped around it... more to the point it was blocking the road up just in front of a bus stop, surely not a great way to promote a form of transport to other users.
But in the US All the lights are timed on a computer so If any accidents happen, part of the investigation of who is at fault is determined by who had the red or green light.
Well in the states you have your silly jaywalking law, whereas here it's not illegal to cross on a red man as long as you've checked. If you as a cyclist hit a ped who checked but didn't see you and wasn't doing anything stupid, it's up to the cyclist to prove he wasn't cycling dangerously even on a red don't cross sign.
But away from lights? IIRC on a road away from a crossing, in the US the motorised vehicles have right of way and that's it. In the UK (in fact in the whole of europe) the ped does. Basically all other things being equal it's up to the biggest least vunerable road user involved to prove it's not in the wrong. or at least that's how I understand it.
Hmm, on urban dic, I got a google add offering polish workers?! Do people actually specify the nationality of people they want working for them these days? Would an employment agency specialising in english workers be acceptable?!
Back on subject, I have been squirted with a supper soaker once from a car, and spat at from a bus... (neither because of my choice of language :-) both happened when I was a kid and lets say both had acceptable outcomes (broken supersoaker and scared kid)
of course he's magic, how else could he be a cat and a train.. he's just not called milton...