I've recently realised that it's a good idea to switch off my bike's flashing LED lamps while taking an excessive-alcohol-induced piss in a dark alley or corner, as it probably looks a like some kind of a weird disco.
+1 for the giggle.
I have lost times the amount of times I have crashed riding pissed up.
However the stupidest time was when I saw a copper car and I thought to myself "make sure you ride nice and straight and don't wobble otherwise they'll pull you over".
The first thing I did was ride straight into the Curb and fall in a hedge. Luckily the cops must not have seen me.
Richmond Park (of course!) is excellent if you want to make a day of it, and have a picnic or a pub lunch or something. And what about riding along the river to Windsor?
I think the trick is to make a date of it - include treats and incentives, keep complimenting her on how well she's doing (and how good she looks in her lycra), and go out somewhere swanky for overpriced pasta afterwards.
You might find you actually enjoy it. I took a very wobbly friend for a spin round Richmond Park a few months ago, and found I used all sorts of different muscles riding slowly for a change.
Definetely think a more chilled out ride is the way to go with anyone who is a beginner, especially when there is a chance to sit down and chat somewhere nice.
One of my mates took a mutual friend of ours over the Purbecks in Dorset for
leisurely cycle
, some pretty steep climbs and scary descents for someone that doesn't cycled regularly. Needless to say he wasn't so keen to come out a second time (after some coaxing he did). -
yeah a tourer... next bike... got my eye on one from Jos.
My lowlights:
- Spinning into lulworth, and watching ferris freewheeling down at ridiculous speed.
- Walking up Steeeeeeeepppppp hill on the way to marshwood.
- Lack of energy due to lack of food.
- Off guinness at the second pub.
- Not being able to stand on hills.
- Stopping to change clothes.
- Realising there was no where to stay in lulworth and having to go back to wool.
I think sometimes the lowlights are as important as the highlights. What doesn't kill you... makes you aware for next time you might get killed...
The hill down to lulworth cove (our usual sunday route), is proper steep can't imagine doing it on a fixed gear (my road bike spins out about halfway down).
- Spinning into lulworth, and watching ferris freewheeling down at ridiculous speed.
All the bikes in this thread are amazing.
Trek 1000s (Vauxhall Cavaliers?), and £1000 S-Works MTBs (never taken off the pavement) are the cycling passion killers of my world.
Too damned right.
My mate bought a £700 cannondale mountain bike in red, really nice bike. Been ridden up the road once or twice. Would be nice to replace my old 17inch Marin with it.
I have had two bikes knicked, and it certainly isn't pleasant. In fact scrub that, I hate thieving bastards.
The second time I had my bike nicked was in the university bike lockup, told the security guard and his response was ... "Fill in this form".
I now have some old ratty looking racer that though it looks shite, it still runs dead quick though. I just have something that doesn't look like it is worth nicking.
EDIT: As velocity boy said, Heartbreaking stuff.
I was about 4 stone overweight about 4 years ago (too much beer,kebabs fish and chips). I felt knackered constantly, sweated like a beast if I did anything physical, felt shit about myself, looked awful, got knackered running up a flight of stairs.
I would never any kids that I may have to feel soo shit about themselves, when tbh it is soo damn easy to fix and prevent.
Everyone Dance now.
- C & C Music Factory;Freedom Williams - Gonna Make You Sweat (Everybody Dance Now)[/ame] -
isnt that what i used to drink in the park?
We have a mate at work that drinks White Lighting at home, and was recommending it as bike lube. We thought he was pulling our leg until, he actually showed us the white lighting website.
Sod it, I still got a bottle of Sturmey Archer cycle oil, great stuff.
Can you borrow a carbon/alu bike off friends to take for a proper test ride ie. not just round the block from the bike shop? It won't be true reflection of the bike material you will eventually end up owning (each manufacturer will utilise the materials in very different ways), but you'll get a feel for the difference in character of ALu/Carbon and whether you think this will suit your style of riding.
And groupsets, if you're looking for quality, entry-level components, 105 is faultless - but don't dip down into Tiagra if you can help it,
Have you got any bikes in mind? The '08 ranges are starting to come on sale now ...and '09 ranges being unveiled to further confuse things.
Agree on that.
I always overtake on the right, motorbike style, but the lanes in Bournemouth are far wider.
I ride a really beaten up steel framed orbit pretty much everywhere. When I overtake anyone which is on a better bike, they instantly speed up, stay on my wheel for ages. Really annoying behaviour.