A typical mish-mash of ill-informed comments, seemingly well-meaning in that condescending sort of way that people can have who probably feel secure in what they perceive to be the majority opinion while somehow imagining they're being original and solving really pressing problems ...
FWIW, the digested viewing:
. Cycling is neither 'cheap' nor 'absolutely green'. On either count, the truth is more moderately attired.
. He is right to be concerned about footway cycling, but the conclusions he draws from this as to what ought to be done are the usual over-reaction.
. There are actually very few collisions arising from footway cycling.
. Cyclists are quite often insured.
. A registration scheme would be a major disincentive to cycling and at any rate unworkable. ‘I remember the days when we used to register our dogs at the post office’. Killer argument.
. And eventually he lets the cat out of the bag and reveals what he really wants and what inspired the rest of this tosh--tax bicycles. Superb idea.
** The digested viewing, digested:**
You don't say.
In the guys defense, at least he wasn't demonising us like most of the media.
that book by him what wrote the wire.
do we need a wire thread?BEST TV SHOW EVER MADE...SIMPLY AMAZING
Been reading this week "Muscle" by John Hotton, about the crazy world of body builders.
and the inner maths geek in me has read "50 mathematical ideas...you really need to know" by Tony Crilly, learn't quite a lot I didn't know and I have studied degree level maths.
Got the ginger man from J.P. Donleavy waiting for me to read, plus another 10 books I should read.
Fiendish bicyclists! You keep multiplying and getting more rights!
Makes a change the gent was putting across a rational opinion.
I enjoy doing that but *with *the back wheel locked up, and let the bike skid over whatever rocks n crap in the way.
And why do you want to pull endo's?
Twisted Endo + Trackstand = Quick U-Turn.
Something like this ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Bp8X2g1AR4
But on a mountain bikeThough I am pretty rubbish at performing bike tricks.
Fixed is safer in the winter as you dont need to rely on your front brake so much. Most accidents are caused by pulling too hard on the front brake on wet/icy roads, especially when cornering.
As you are able to regulate your speed nice and smoothly with your legs, the bike handles better
Off topic but,
My first bike was a beat up peugeot racer, the rear brake didn't work too well (not at all really), as a consequence I learnt to perfect braking with the front and not rely at all on the back brake at all.
Subsequently though I find it really hard to pull endos on my mountain bike, I always want to release the brake.
I find a back brake is only any good at controlling the speed going downhill (road) for obvious reasons.
Though I have found that if you are going down something steep (offroad) on a moutain bike using the rear to control your speed the back will lock up quite easily, so you end up feathering the front brake with your arse over the back wheel.
BTW I don't ride fixed (Yet).
that just reminded me of this, it was brought into the shop the other day with a bag of parts and a "can you make this work". I didn't take a picture of it but the crank was a double ring riveted type with the outer ring cut off with a angle grinder.
What do you mean a free wheel wont work as a lock ring?
and yes the bars dont reach the end of the grips.
Pretty sure that is the same peugeot frame that I have. Same lugs, same cut outs and same forks.
It a pity the bike could have been alright :(
I would be up for this but only if I could be in a training montage (with music) to get myself ready for the final event where I win (just) by beating the bad guy (Hillbilly ;) then crying, snogging the female lead and then being carried on everyones sholders into the night.
Stop watching Rocky everynight. :D
I thought the bike looked alright but if this:
really is where you choose to keep your cash i hope you have it secured in there somehow so that the scally that chooses to mug you for it has to cut your leg off at the knee to make off with your money.
Furthermore i hope said scally does this with a rusty, aids and hep carrying knife so that the rest of your life is not only cut mighty short but is painful and depressing possibly leading to you ending your own life before the diseases do it for you.Are you using these scare tactics to persuade people to open high interest saving accounts?
I noticed that the code says you must not
[]carry a passenger unless your cycle has been built or adapted to carry one
[]hold onto a moving vehicle or trailer
[]ride in a dangerous, careless or inconsiderate manner
[]ride when under the influence of drink or drugs, including medicineHas anyone been stopped by the police for riding home shit-faced/battered/inebriated?
have done 1,2 and 4. :S
Used to give a girl I worked with, a lift home (her sitting on the rear pannier rack).
On that note, is it just me that remembers the term used to be 'splitting image' before the '80's TV show that made a pun on the expression and turned it into 'Spitting Image'?
I've had this discussion/argument with a few people, but they claim it was, and always has been, 'spitting image'. But that makes no sense!
Help me out here!
I am just a little too young to really remember Spitting Image being on TV.
What I tend to do is drag the brakes gentley to get the crap/water off the rim. I am rarely going fast on a racer in the rain anyway.