1) Peter Carter
2) ian (conker) [even if it pisses down]
3) Nigel182
4) Fox (as long as it doesn't piss it down)
5) Dimi3
6) Shoosh (possible)
7) Spybot (ish)
8) Jimm
9) Upstart (almost definite...)
10) Theoryswine (ditto)
11) ah1976 (as long as it doesn't piss it down)
12) betty (if I get the day off work)
13) jcgarcia
14) boggle
15) laner
16) CV
17) deluka
18) Quaddie
19) ziska
20) edmundro
21) wools
22) middleofnowhere
23) ms.chris
24) Dumps (up for a longer one)
25) D. Generate
26) Buckaroo
27) tom k&e
28) Sumo (hopefully with my new bike built in time)
29) Darius
30) richoking
31) tofeelthefire (will be my second forum ride ha!)
32) Rich
33) Lynx probably fixed
34) Polowannabe - fixed -
- Velocio (+ Coach)
- Clefty (coach)
- joe smith (coach)
- damo (no coach reqd, will be staying in southwold for the weekend)
- Soul (Coach)
- Souls +1 (Coach)
- lalanternerouge (coach req.)
- + ^mate (coach req.)
- CG (+coach)
- Simon J (+coach)
- Bombadil (coach)
- BrianClose (coach)
- Clever Pun (on a brompton no coach required)
- cliveo (+coach)
- dee-bee-one (no coach required)
- emab (coach)
- Serk (Coach)
- Serk (Coach)
- edscoble (coach)
19.polowannabe (coach)
that beach that tricitybendix hs posted looks nice. How far away is it though?
- Velocio (+ Coach)
- |³|MA3K
- Edmundro
- sorethroat
- BlueQuinn
- coppiThat
- Kirth
- Simonw7
- Bike Destroyer
9. - conker
- joe smith
- Rosmal
- Lucky Luciano Glover
- mc_nebula
- crimsonape
- richoking
- Rookie66 +1
- evans
- Do|/
- AcidHaus1
- Lyes888
- blind dan
- dicki
- supertony
- Zane Chaos
27.joelounge - Max
- OwenrReed - onlyh iof its raining
- ashleyisdabest
- Mann1e
- lardboy
- lardlady if she HTFU
- Sumo
- dimi3
- atk
- spybot
- NurseHolliday
- Battenberg
- Polowannabe
- |³|MA3K
- coppiThat
- mmccarthy
- veLLo
- joe smith
- jcgarcia
- Stradam
- skive
- hellomiles
- Snowy
- Playmaker Glover
- Crumb
- K-Dog
- Aleksi
- NurseHolliday
- rab
- Serk
- fasih
- keepsake
- Marco
- Toby
- BlueQuinn
- Bike Destroyer
- mattty
- MA3K
- SoperRiva
- Jung + Chum
- richoking
- lyes888
- wools
- shoots
- Tika
- Tiswas
- WasabiPeas
- crimsonape
- Malibu
- TooTallTim
- fred
- williamshatnerspants
- middleofnowhere
- Velocio
- photoben
- weazlepopper
- Library Music
- Ellis
- supertony
- Zane Chaos
- mc_nebula
- Peekay
- kisu_shimo
- party_paul
- Huge16
- Volcomape
- bednarz
- greys
- Pistoffski
- ChriSF
- theteleflorist
- duracellbunny
- henrycollie
- Guerillaphoto
- joelovesfixed(2)
- john h
- Ricochet
- Gatti
- Skully
- lardboy
- erictheking
- hartxander+2
- reeen
- JD
- Rookie 66
- FridayMarch26th
- Rauri
- Red Stripe
- strech_birdseed
- Digby
- iklo
- allensea
- polowannabe
- coppiThat
Oh btw meet will be on whipp's cross roundabout by the bus stop (southside) pace will be gentle! I've just been getting back into training rides, it's pretty flat (ish) inclines aren't too demanding, but they will challenge you if you've been out of the saddle like I have for a bit!