Thanks Prav, But I like my Campy Records.
Are Your both campy records 28h?
If You answer is yes, i have the same and i'm laughing right now, cause i had a trouble finding non-mashined/ no braking service clincher 28h rims myself, closest i could get to were pair of NOS mavics cxp12 for steap $150:
excluding shipping costs and tax, i ended up buying set of campy r track 36h and campy r front 32h road with q/r so it is much easier to source rims... IMO front 28h laced radial looks awesome
if You find sources of unique 28h clincher along Your search, please let me know
@buddha: make no sense...
@provenrad: lugs like on supercorsa pista... but track ends look interesting, 1970s campy ones?
Cinelli Pista powder coated [by frankensteinish hungarian] in fugly shit-brown-orange!!!! £202 4h left!!!!
http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/NOS-single-spe...QQcmdZViewItem -
Ladies Bromwich 51cm (1hour train journey from london)
http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/RACING-TOURING-FRAME-BROMWICH-Ladies-Racing-tour-FRAME_W0QQitemZ320357421195QQihZ011QQcategoryZ33503QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem -
sugino 165 [red link]
http://www.londonfgss.com/thread19950.html -
a couple of years ago i placed a silly bid on a colnago listed on the bay. i didnt win it but a couple of weeks after i recieved an email. the sender claimed to have an exact copy of the bicycle that i had placed a bid on. i knew it was a scam and strung them along. when i asked for a picture they sent me a picture of a bike that was clearly at a bike show. more emails went back and forth and then i asked for a picture of him standing beside the bicycle. he had the cheek to send me a picture of a man in full race kit with colnago written on every piece of clothing he was wearing and claimed that it was him
you should have asked him to pose with the bike while holding a daily newspaper...
I think Sachs Rival has 2 washers in between cone and axle nut on the both sides so if you swap these for something leaner you will get roughly 4mm off = 96mm...
http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/2-NOS-VINTAGE-SACHS-RIVAL-FRONT-HUBS_W0QQitemZ140249918993QQcmdZViewItemQQptZLH_DefaultDomain_0?hash=item140249918993&_trksid=p4634.c0.m14.l1262 -
black, white, suede black etc....
didn't dare to look at colourful ones :{)