(I haven't read the article, and I'm not expert myself) It depends on the solute. Evapourated water is full of minerals, carbon dioxide, nitrogen etc. In areas of pollution you get large quantities of stuff that gives you acid rain.
Hmm, but aren't those things picked up from the air? I thought acid rain was when the sulphur dioxide in the atmosphere dissolved into the water vapour in the clouds?
I can quite believe that these things give off nasty vapours near ground level, but to say that it's going up into the clouds and being rained out seems unlikely to me.
I read the bit about planes apparently dumping dispersant over residential areas, which wouldn't surprise me - there's a lot of incompetence about and dispersant is presumably a lot more nasty than just spreading fairy liquid over the oil.
The blood of all three females and five males had chemicals that are found in the BP Crude Oil
Water and salts? :)
Not arguing that crude oil and the dispersants aren't nasty and toxic - I think crude is generally acknowledged as such and the dispersants are probably similarly bad, but the article seems fairly poor quality to me. I think they should have stuck to the observations, culled the layman assumptions and avoided trying their hand at a bit of science. It would've come across as much more credible
"The dispersants are being added to the water and are causing chemical compounds to become water soluble, which is then given off into the air, so it is coming down as rain"
Now, I'm no Nobel prize-winner, but that strikes me as bullshit.
You can dissolve whatever the fuck you like in water and when you evaporate the water off, you tend to be left with exactly what you dissolved.
Anyone who ever grew copper sulphate crystals at school knows that.
Unless the dispersants are volatile and/or the compounds they make with the oil are volatile (both quite possible I suppose), all the shitty stuff will be staying well and truly in the sea to either float, sink or be washed ashore, no?
Any Chemists in the house?
basically for London residents who are in town fairly frequently the annual sub is the one to get I think.
Means that you don't need to umm and aah about whether or not to start a new access period. Just grab a bike and go.
Even if you don't quite make enough trips for it to be the cheapest option, it's not going to cost much more than the others and it means that the bikes are already there, pre-paid so you may as well use them (unless the stand's empty).
I think they should issue credits if you visit an empty stand and then have to walk to a non-empty one to get a bike. Might incentivise them to redistribute more efficiently. -
You will get charged the 7 day 'access fee' when you take a bike. You will not be charged the access fee again during the following 7 consecutive days. If you use the bikes again following those days you will be charged the access fee again.
Basically you get charged the access fee for each 7 day block of usage.
Then of course if you use a bike for more than 30mins at a time you'll be charged the relevant 'usage fee' unless you went to a stand that was full and claimed your 15min extension to get to another one -
I think scary is kind of the point.
"If we keep on using up at rate, we'll need another in period of time"
"We only have amount of "
"Oh, then we're going to run out then, aren't we?"I think as the current earth starts to run out, prices of everything will increase and those who cannot afford to live will die.
Self-correcting problem, in a way.
There's always the chance that folk'll come up with a better way of doing it, but the above seems the most likely to me.
Then again, maybe fusion will work in my lifetime and I'll finally get that affordable flying car.
Going back in topic r.e. the friendliest of this forum, does 'youngbob' actually deserve to be called a cunt despite not realising that he could've gotten the bike cheaper/same price elsewhere?
Hey, at least we're not 4chan.
Welcome to the Internet, peoples. Put on your thick skin or you're going to get burnt.
Velocio, if you want to tame things down then I don't know how you're going to do it. Banning users, for example, is hardly ever constructive and just eats into moderators' time.
Maybe have an area similar to the nursery, with pastel colours and a swear filter to protect the easily offended etc..?
The frankness of discussion is one of the main reasons I come here. That and the free-flowing knowledge, advice, rides and beers. Whatever you decide to do, please protect that. It's a lot of work and you deserve much credit for it, even if it feels a chore at times.
on Fox News, courtesy of Russell Howard[/ame]