Hammo, That is presisly correct old boy. Very good, very good indeed.
Katt, some of us speak like Dick Van Dike out of Mary Poppins and the rest of us speak like Stewy out of Family Guy!
Here is the kind of west end shows you can expect to see;
- Fast Show - How Queer[/ame] -
I've been beaten by police in the UK for absolutly nothing, beaten black and blue for being young and with mates.
Wathcing the videos posted on this post has brought that all back. I find it hard to comprehend how a government allows such people in to a possition of power and responsibility, it;s amazing.
Right now there is a community support cop working where I work, and it seems to me that you need to have odd mental dispossition to become a cop. Basically your a sad C*nt.
I respect that they are needed but a few bad apples spoil the broth (something like this).
It only leads me to feel;
I've been stopped three times for running a redrecently. I've said sorry, and they let me go.
I don't think there's anything wrong with it as long as peds have the right of way.
It's worth just hopping off the bike for a few minutes, talk to the filth and point out the numberous drivers on the mobiles as your talking.
already done mate.