I've had a set of those Altura Stringbacks for about 2 weeks and the palm/thumb joint is worn through already. Stylin' yes - hardwearing no.
A bit of hit and miss. I had the same problem on one of my pair of Altura Stringbacks but three other pairs have done me really well.
You could try contacting them and asking for a replacement pair.
If I didn't wear gloves in summer, I wouldn't get a tan like this - http://trepidexplorer.blogs.com/photos/trans_canada/p6030089.html
I read that thread from a while ago about sneaky ways to exact sweet revenge on thieves who've successfully breached the locks already and are about to ride away into the sunset with our bikes. Definitely an appealing thought, and one that I'd use as a last resort.
Too new for that, although I'm not surprised that it's occured to other people. I'm also planning a quick release chainring to hurl at evil drivers Xena style.
It would be a lot easier to run a gps logger tracked from your computer with an overlay on google maps. Run that with a fisheye button camera mounted in the brake housing and you'll be fully equipped to track them down.
Optional extras include provision of incriminating evidence to the police or retribution with a high-powered rifle from a long distance.
There's enjoying an acheivement and there's lapping up attention like a thirsty kitten in a milking shed.
Don't have a problem with it though. He's done one of the few things in this world that entitles people to be smug. Hope he keeps up that level of self-belief, it may well lead him to win the whole Tour one day.
FixieFaqs certianly covers just about everything technical you would want to know about fixies but, as the name suggests, that's were it hits its limits.
There is no dedicated site that encompasses all things cycling in the style of wikipedia. By all means go ahead and try. However, I would caution you to exercise a lot of control over such a site. Anyone trying even the simplist of organisation of cyclists will assure you that it's like herding cats.
However, this is untrue, it's like herding cats on ketamine and PCB with guns and knives for hands and castors for feet whilst someone else is opening a tin of cat food.
I don't see him going to the end this year. Once he hit's those hills, the Olympics are going to weigh pretty heavily on his mind. He's a cocky, egotistical, glory grabbing wee sod and trudging up mountains with the the threat of the broom won't rest well on him if he thinks for a moment that it'll jeopardise his success on the track.
I reckon he'll be out by the 15th stage at the latest.
I now have a mental image of a Bender riding a bike in a ripped denim miniskirt.