The barriers start at school age. There's still a lot of gender bias in teaching which directly affects what sort of post school decisions women will make.
By the time you get to the hiring stage, the competition from women for positions that familiarity is probably one of the greatest forces working against women getting employment.
I'm not sure what "the industry" can do as a whole. The majority of mechanics are employed in a commercial setting and the majority of that is small, independent businesses. I'm not aware of any bodies offering oversight of those businesses as a regulatory or membership organisation.
Where to start?
Approach BC and any women's trade teams to offer traineeships to women riders and at a minimum aim to have all women riders supported by a female mechanic.
I'm attending a community forum on Monday and will be arguing against easing parking restriction in a local shopping area.
Can anyone point to a UK study that supports that making an area more pedestrian/cycle friendly is good for business? I've found some overseas ones but a UK one would carry more weight in an discussion.
For the dot watchers.
Looking back at the betting chat, I can't help wonder if Dave's had his budget slashed on account of Froome's lung candy habit and he's called sandbagging orders so that he can stick a wedge on at Paddypower.
Zoncolan can be explained by either Froome getting it mixed up with the name of a new inhaler or Dave panicking because the team cars were getting a bit low on diesel.
but the situation isn't quite as desperate as many journalists report.
I disagree on this.
The volume of energy consumption on a global scale is still a very real concern, particularly while significant portions of most developed nation's energy is derived from non-renewable sources. It's an additional load that we weren't bearing through our combined systems. Environmental impacts simply don't observe boundaries.
Claiming that the Bitcoin mining powered through the Three Gorges Dam power supply is clean is all well and good. However this ignores the important knock on effect that this has. Yes, power is generally localised in supply and usage. However, it is also generally networked across grid structure systems. Therefore, all of that power used for cryptocurrency mining is then no longer available to be used by other customers who are peripheral to the TGD power generation position and thus have to be powered by other power generation sources. Even if those sources are themselves renewable, the ongoing chain effects are at some point going to lead to power demands that aren't supplied by renewable sources.
Claiming all is good for this bit of cryptocurrency because its powered by renewable effectively castigates the customers of adjacent non-renewable energy sources such as the simple householder wanting to heat their home because its winter. What do they get out of it? Basically nothing but a kicking.
Now if we take a look at those currently most vulnerable to climate change, those living in under-developed nations without the capital standing to invest in environmental defence mechanisms (against things like rising sea-levels and desertification, the ensuing civil and militarised unrest caused by scarcity of resources, etc), where do they factor in the cryptocurrency environment? Not at all. The vast majority of the global population that is going to suffer from climate change first operates in a cash economy and they remain largely dependent on foreign aid which is funded through taxation. Taxation that itself is diminished through the rising use of cryptocurrency on that limited volume of its use in transactions.
Are there any cyrptocurrencies that are, in some form, putting back into the communities they are taking from? Because, environmentally, this has become an absolute shitshow.
If that were achieved, how much would that reduce the overall average per unit energy cost of any given cryptocurrency?
This is one of those things that I find fascinating and horrifying in equal measure. Unlike the majority of currency formulation, where resource capital could be highly variable, cryptocurrency was far more predictable. At the advent of Bitcoin, did anybody actually bother to look into the projected environmental impact?
Might be a lot more by tonight. 40+mph winds between 11pm and 12 midday tomorrow.