If they showed that Boardman/Obree documentary before he attempts it again I hope it would give him more of the recognition he deserves especially here. He just seems more Scottish than Hoy ever does.
He probably still has the same training approach of just riding up big hills as quick has he can compared to the technical training.
The EU hasn't done its sums. Something like 80 per cent of the noise of cars comes from the tyres, not the engine or exhaust
Actually Jeremy Clarkson is kinda right on this but just doesn't get the point. I live next to a motorway and believe me all you really hear is the tyres, I can even tell when it is wet outside because the noise is different. You only ever hear performance exhausts and engines.However at normal city speeds you can hear the engine more than the tyre noise I'd say. I hope they use different noises for different vehicles so you know when a non black cab comes up behind you ready to clip you with its wing mirrors.
It won't be cyclists that encounter this problem. I would predict that there will be more deaths on the road for pedestrians. Every day I experience pedestrians stepping out on the street without looking for oncoming traffic relying on their ears and obviously not hearing a bike.
With more or less silent cars we are all going to have to be on our guards.
Oh aye.
Formerly of Aberdeen, residing in Glasgow. Possibly heading up this weekend with the bike. Looking forward to getting a Buttery from Aitkens. Been too long since I've had one and it makes me homesick thinking about one.
One thing about Aberdeen is it ain't as windy or wet as Glasgow seems to be.
How quickly after the final call do Bob Jackson ship frames?