I have a big important thing in Brighton very early on the Friday, so perhaps, perhaps, perhaps.
- pajamas
- PinkGottiMobbss
- Shootthebreeze
- rocksteady
- Spins
- adam_livesagain
- Markyboy
- wools
- Charco
- Gatorman
- Wibble
- Buddha Fingaz
unlucky number 13. George Sportif - Cornelius Blackfoot
- crabtree
- CGlover
- Skully McChops
- CrazyJames
19.Tika - (purple) Tom
- hillbilly
- Colmans formally know as Caleb
23.Stix (rear wheel is ready to roll !!!) - Fluff (if she's man enough)
- pajamas
so many good memories its all got a bit muddled in my head: bagels, hundreds of people asking "are you doing this for charity?", the incredible pleasure of me and finally finding a toilet after two hours of watching men pissing off bridges...
my favourite bit was the tourist couple trapped at the end of the millennium bridge between two never-ending streams of hollering cyclists - they looked like they had never seen anything so exciting :)
thanks jonny, thanks everyone who gave me booze. ace, ace night.
- MA3K
- Shinscar
- gizmond
- gabes
- Slag
- robin
- Superprecise
- Kirth
- dancing james
- Vinylvillain
- livingasleep
- PinkGottiMobbs
- Jacqui - Doing as she is told!
- Rik
- Peej
- Donut! (if I'm in the country)
- wools
- tika [i was cut]
- rocksteady + 2 friends (1 ss & 1 geared)
- hillbilly (I'll follow from where ever it starts, cause i swing the other way.)
22. - JOL
- Last Caress. Ride ride ride!
- Somebody
- crabtree
- fresh
- Jesus
- Ved
- Dj
- shootthebreeze
- Crispin Glover
- Simon J
- pajamas
- skullbags
- Dropout
- yeh731
- Aleksi
- horatio
- lal
- teddy
- Sparky - 29th Nov would be a birthday ride!
- Pilky - Sparky snap :) 29th would be a birthday ride also.
- Fluff
- Cornelius Blackestfoot (Should be back and riding albeit slowly by then)
- tomasito - hopefully on the new bike, and depending upon date of ride.
- MaxW
- Will
- Hipster
- dandy horse
- usukmetendoller
- oh go on then - mashton
- 31t®um - hopefully it's raining, and am gonna stay right in front of mashton
- VeeVee
- Jaygee
- Caleb - I going to bring my little green house if it rains. And I glueing the chimney on proper this time.
- texas
- fib and friend
- STe5
- Spins
- mmccarthy (first ride, first post here actually =P)
- snowy_again - had too much fun at the last one not to do it again
- ondine
- P!MP
- BlueQuinn
- kisu_shimo (as long as I'm not in Germany! - fingers crossed)
- Harry (another new kid)
- Wibble (depending on whether or not I have rugby)
- Stompy (he he - I got 69)
- Gustav
- Eyebrows- Definitely there, but on which bike-fingers crossed......
- Ektachrome
- Stuan....First ride with you chaps....unless I'm playing rugby......
- Joelounge....... missed out on the last one in for this!!!!
- Punkpixel
- George Sportif
- Stix....(I might have been num 22 copy and paste confusion)
- Sweaty
- Gav
- Sorethroat
81 . Mackenzie - in.flucx (new to london (studying at UCL) looking forward to meeting everyone looks like a great ride)
- Crankster
- *domeier**
- Build
- Dicki
- Smith (first ride ever !!)
- Stringerman (two fat ladies)
- alockett
- Lucky7
- chatters
- Dr Crippen....you can all give me a hug
- adoubletap
95.mdigy - Hobo
97.Asseenonfixedwheelbicycle (plus some cambridge cunts) - andersb (a cambridge cunt)
- Big Daddy Wayne
- Broker (Where i collect prize?)
- The friend (NOT 'friend') of Billingewill, aka Ed
Sorted my dear.
- MA3K
Oooh really? i must pay more attention in class, i must pay more attention in class (repeat times 100). i found this one on ebay http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Ladies-hardwick-531-racer-road-bike-can-be-singlespeed_W0QQitemZ260304442378QQcmdZViewItem?hash=item260304442378&_trkparms=72%3A1298%7C39%3A1%7C66%3A2%7C65%3A12%7C240%3A1318&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14 which i think is pretty but looking too expensive for moi. anway i look forward to talking at length about my lack of ladylikeness.
As for the burgers, I tried them and they are ass.
hopefully, this sounds ace.
- MA3K
- Shinscar
- gabes
- Slag
- robin
- Superprecise
- Kirth
- Broker
- dancing james
10.Vinylvillain - livingasleep
- PinkGottiMobbs
- Jacqui - Doing as she is told!
- Rik
- Peej
- Donut! (if I'm in the country)
- wools
18.tika [i was cut]
19.rocksteady [he was cut too] - hillbilly (I'll follow from where ever it starts, cause i swing the other way.)
- Villa-Ru
- Last Caress. Ride ride ride!
- Somebody
- crabtree
- fresh
- Jesus
- Ved
- Marcoisapolo
- Dj
- shootthebreeze
- Crispin Glover
- Simon J
- pajamas
- skullbags
- Dropout
40. - teddy
44. - Fluff
- Cornelius Blackestfoot (Should be back and riding albeit slowly by then)
- tomasito - hopefully on the new bike, and depending upon date of ride.
- MaxW
- Will
- Hipster
- dandy horse
- usukmetendoller
- oh go on then - mashton
- 31t®um - hopefully it's raining, and am gonna stay right in front of mashton
- MA3K
anyone have a ladies frame they don't want, perhaps bought to build up something pretty for the woman you love, then abandoned?
not having such a gentleman in my life, but more because i want to and have lots of bits of bike taking up space in my room, i'm going to attempt to build me something for those skirt-necessary days.
around the 49cm mark, not too dear, not really fussed otherwise. fanks
pah. cold? you all need woolly boots like me. and a nice curry.
nice to see the people wot i (briefly) saw. i stopped by on my way back from stoke newington to see if anyone fancied company back south, only to find the last stragglers heading home. ah well.
min ai: what was the name of your photographer fella?