Don't forget this recent development -
Why not have everyone making their own logs at home out of old paper and cardboard? That's my plan once we have a multi fuel at home.
I have one of those. The briquettes produced are shit. They take loads of effort to make, dry, even to start burning. And they produce loads of ash.
Yeah, they can be poisoned from any part. I think the pollen is most worried about because it sticks to the coat and gets licked off. Picked LittleBee up from the vets earlier. She didn't seem to recognise me and kept hissing at me. I think she might be coming round a bit now. The nurse said TigerLily was in good spirits and hadn't showed any signs of illness. Fingers crossed it stays that way.
Majory fuckery. :( This morning shortly before I was supposed to be taking both kittens for speying, the wife spotted TigerLily chewing on something and suspected it to be the stamen from a lily flower. Took her to the vets and they're are going to keep her under observation and on IV fluids for the next three days to see if she succumbs to the toxins. Everything crossed...
^ Quite right.
This is one of my least favourite traits of the press. It places judgement, feeds in to crude stereo-types, provokes the readership, and acts as a qualifier, implying some people are better/more blameless/more worthy of sympathy than others.
Plus it seems so unfair that no matter how long ago someone did the thing they are alleged to have done and/or how drastically their lives might have changed since then, they will forever be reminded of their past.
My favourite is when they also include the value of the houses owned by the various people in the story. "Speaking outside his £400,000 townhouse, Mr Cooper said..."
Hurrah for Chester, go Tesla and welcome to Jimmy. :)
Little bee likes to carry things, including a stick with a toy on string attached; a ball of gift ribbon; and the wife's glasses case (complete with glasses). I feel a bit mean as she's really taken to me and I'm not quite there yet. Don't get me wrong, I love her to pieces but she's constantly badgering me for fuss especially at night in bed. She's a big fan of licking my nostrils and mouth and wants to get under the covers but won't settle. She also tries to muscle in when the other cats come for fuss. I'm feeling a bit suffocated. Tiger Lily doesn't really get a look in. LB seems settled in every other respect. I'm wondering if it might be related to the fact they'd had 4 foster homes before they came to us. Hopefully she'll feel more secure as time passes.
Hello all! S'been a while. Some lovely photos - the kittens are really growing up fast.
Ours have settled in really well. No major issues with the existing animals, in fact the older cats seem much better since they arrived. Only had one bedding in issue - Little Bee seems to dislike using the litter tray. Though I think we're getting somewhere with that since we changed the litter trays and moved them. She now toilets on the plastic mat the trays sit on which is a vast improvement!
Smudge, our 18 month old male, is absolutely loving having two little acolytes hanging off his every miaow as you can see in the picture below. :)
Unless that missing branch was once used to secure another bike.