flickwg (3.5)
livingasleep (0) TrixieDix!
Bristly Pioneer (1) can trackstand a bit and skid about 50cm
dancing james (0)
Andypancake (4.5) on the local skill level (2.5) on a global scale?
Conan (umm3??)
JOL (2.5ish)
Aroogah (-1)
rik (1) can skip in grass and do trackstands
PeterD (0.5) can skid thats it
Amerimikeadise - (3.5) - can do most things that doesn't include a wheelie.
WAID in dream world (5)..in London (0.5) can skidd...
Rob...(3ish)-want to learn nose manuals.
Tommy (3 very ish)
jimalex (fast approaching a 1. maybe)check out rik! editing his entry all thanks to today's pre practice practice session haha nice one dude. and nice one to everyone that made it out tonight.
Cavendish writes for the guardian. Cocky little fuck aint he? Although he does have reason to be.
Unfortunatly spelling isnt really my strong point. It isnt as bad a crime as the of locking of my bike (along with two others) at the Foundry and then reolising that I had given my keys to my GF eirlier that night. After serching London for them, a quick tube ride and an even quicker taxi ride, I made it back at about 12.30 to unlock the bikes. Sorry about that guys, cheers for being so patient and cheers for saving me a beer!
Haha no worries, hey if it wasnt for that we wouldnt have been witness to that lightning fast raid.
epic fail pics soon to be posted
and the highlight of the night being we got stickers... obviously.