I've had work done at The Family Business, The Happy Sailor, an Prick tattoos on Old st.
I would recomend them all, appart from Prick, but i think i just got a dodgy visiting artist.
Barry Hogarth @ Happy Sailor is really good at block shapes/geometrics, really nice solid colour work.
Mia @ family busines is really good at intricate line work and (apparently) japo stuff, as is (obviously) Mo Coppoletta.
I've been waiting a year for Shane to come back to Intoyou from Kiwi land, and do a Moko sleve for me, but no one seems to know when he'll be back.
apparently Frith st. are good too.nice one hoops. great advice. mo's work really is fucking good. ive possibly narrowed it down to the family business or into you. best ive seen so far. I cannot wait to get inked again!
last time i went to brighton my friend locked himself to me and lost his key on the beach. Against all odds and in the dark we found it amongst the pebbles. He's coming with me on this ride so i guess i should get him and living asleep to meet and lock up together, aaaah.
he sounds like the perfect partner to pinkgottimobbs. never put your keys in a bowl with those two.
The negative Shim thread was also pretty funny!
+1 by far the funniest ive read
Bugger, I'm in Norway next weekend. Don't spose anyone wants to head down this weekend?
PinkGottiMobbs, that would be a hell of a cab fare back with the key.
Pinkgottimobbs gets to brighton, realises he's forgotten his key, takes a cab back to london, not before buying us a quagillion pints each only to realise the gf is in Hove celebrating pride. totally plausible.
done. where and when mate? south or east drinks would suit me.