I hope the rider is OK, I saw a near miss this morning and it makes my belly drop out of time and space.
...and it's not just the sound of traffic you need to hear - what about your bike? Or an emergency siren? Or a hot girl shouting out your name? In the city it's totally pointless to switch off one of your senses when it's crazy enough on those roads some days. Besides, I love the sound of my tires on tarmac too much.
A similar move has happened to me twice in the past ten days, it’s starting to get routine on my way home (always home time).
The first time I was slammed into the kerb on Pentonville road because the driver got tired of the right-hand lane and didn't even look to see if anyone might already be in the left, and the second time a white-van got impatient and just screeched into me to try and jump the queue in the right. I only managed to catch-up with the first person, and they were totally unaware that anything happened, which is even more frightening. Why don't we just let blind people drive? Then, last night in Chelsea, I saw a people carrier just launch into the side of a scooter in pretty much the same move.
I'm starting to feel that something bad is just going to happen sooner or later, despite hardly ever being in the wrong. I've only just picked up my bike again after a year because I was knocked off by a total fuckface, again, because he didn't look, got impatient and just assumed that nobody vulnerable would ever be sharing the road with them. oh, and hello, I'm Donut.
Berlin is insanely fun to cycle around. I went last year and I'm still thinking about moving there because of it. You'll have a lot of fun, and it's very bike friendly.
If anyone knows of a place to buy fixed bikes in Berlin, can you let me know. I'm popping over there in a few weeks, and might make a purchase (the bikes are much, much cheaper than here).
tried searching for this, but nothing...
I know a new chain will stretch, but is a creaking sound normal? It's only noticeable when I'm accelerating slowly from a stationary position - as once I'm going it's fine (I think).
This is fixed steamroller, one week old, seen about 100 miles. I've had my ear to it, and pretty certain it's just the chain creaking/squeaking on the chain wheel.