Kids will nick anything maybe because its gadgety looking or might come in useful later or some trophy to flash in the playground for drugs - caught some kids trying to get my saddle off once when the bike was locked up on the street outside the pub I was sitting in (window seat). When I 'challenged' them one of them warned me that his Dad was 22 stone! -next thing the Father of said kid comes out from the Taxi office across the road and starts pushing me around with his fucking huge belly spouting shit like "he aint nicking your fucking saddle cunt !, whats he want another fucking saddle for ?, hes got fucking loads indoors!"
It's those fuckers that insist on crossing the road when the lights are green and there is no traffic and they eyeball you and get as close as they can to you without causing an accident that really get on my tits...
Yes - those peds that walk into the road right up to you thinking they've calculated your speed and will safely cross inches past your back wheel ...
Map of HGV incidents in London