no it's not a selfish comment. as part of my justification i stated i had no problems with people on the road who are safe. part of the bbc article was talking about drafting. if i get drafted by someone who has no brakes i think i'll be trying my hardest to get away from them.
a bike can carry one person. a bus can carry 50 i'd rather see 50 people on a bus with a safe driver than 50 people wobbling about on unsafe equipment.
i got a local magazine though today that talks about using bikes as transport. it's got a bit about the new training scheme in it which i think is a fantastic idea.
why when i make a throw away comment regarding my ride to work and the number of "morons" i have to get past do i get my head bitten off and have to justify my statment. we all know that there are people out on the road that cause accidents because of an incapability to control their vehicle atleast if they are on the buses you reduce the number of dangerous vehicles on the road.
around here (no not london so sure my opinion doesn't count) a large percentage of the people riding bikes are not safe there bikes are not safe they will never be safe. they ride a bike with no brakes (i don't mean fixed gear i mean no brakes) they do not understand the highway code or some of the most basic principles of riding safely on a bike there has been a spate up here of people digging out bikes from the back of their shed and riding around without any maintenance. i'm sure alot of these people also drive cars which worries me even more. so yes i class alot of the people i ride round on the way to work as morons.
on the other hand there a alot of riders that i regularly see on route that are able to ride a bike safely. they do keep there bikes in a condition that is not dangerous. These people i do not call morons. same as i don't call someone a moron for trying cycling who knows they may like it. just aslong as they understand some of the basic principles of riding a bike on public roads.
Burn them to solve the energy crisis.
Two birds one stone.
and once they are all gone, burn the old, then if we need more burn the ugly then if we need more burn the poor, then if we need more burn the not so poor, then if we need more burn the young, then if we need more burn the.................. etc etc etc.
you will one day be ruler of the world with this method and most likely enjoy painting and being a vegan.
i get some odd looks when people notice there's no gears and a few comments when sat outside a pub with it but nothing more than that. fixed gear and single speed hasn't really made it up here yet i've only seen 1 other person on a single speed (i was geared at the time so didn't stop him) maybe next time.
look at the size of those shoes. do you get major overlap?