i am doin the london to brighton i start at 6-30am doin it with my mate on his mercian!! and me on the langster! should be a laugh!
right on wednesday night i am getting a bloke from work to drop me at the top of dyke road with my bike on the way home so should be at the libary about 6-30! if we still meeting there?
should i bring my skid lid or will be be on quieter roads?
i have been in brighton for a while but only been riding ss for about 6 months had dirt bikes for yrs but wanted something to ride around brighton on so brought my mates langster at xams and not looked back love it! he also got me in this site some great threads on here.
just wanting to up grade a few bits and personalise the bike a bit!
does anyone know how to work out gear ratios and what speed they should do?
i am fairly new to this fg and ss been riding now for about 6 months
i currently run a 48/16....
also what wheels and hubs to people reccomend? as look to up grade the ones on my langster but want to still have a flip flop hub.
paulc -
i keep meaning to come down and check baker street out, what the shop like?