hell's bells live streaming for today (sunday) , with french commnenting
Hell's Belles live streaming, very good quality and some good zoom-ins! (no commenting though) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aYhOzWShpA4
I think 3 or 2 leagues will depend on what the aim is for the London league. If it is to encourage as many people to play then 2 leagues should be. If it is to have likes-with-likes there aren't enough for 3 leagues and will create even a bigger exclusion and dichotomy.
There are invite only tourneys and beginners tourneys for more like-to-like competitions. Would be nice for the winter league to be on including and encouraging people to play over winter. Yes there will be a difference in ability. That's why some teams will fight for first place and others will fight for not finishing last.
And yes the middle teams may be suffering the most but surely there is a way to make the middle teams feel ranking is fair without excluding others.
I say play-offs before the league for the 4 Middle teams.
Or an extension of the league where at the end there are games for the three last of div1 against the 3 first of div 2. As a separate mini league.
It is hard for new people/teams to make a judgement around seeding vote. Some of the new people may choose not to vote based on that. Based on that it makes sense not to count the vote on people's own team when they are placed last.
I think the teams most affected are the Middle teams as this is where the cut off is between division 1 and 2 and maybe there should be a pre-league knock-out tourney of the 4 Middle teams.
Or if one team from division 2 believes that they should be division 1 they should challenge the last team of div1 for a knock out game to steal their place before the league starts
But both will mean starting everything early.
Also we need to remember the league is organised by people who are willing to put time in it and being over critical may put them off from doing it ; what I mean is maybe all these should be considered but should also acknowledge it's an evolving process
Ladies' polo drills & throw ins for November:
http://www.lfgss.com/conversations/179672/?offset=2050#comment11903915 -
Hey Louis I added you both in a FB message. Maybe Laura will see that and reply. x