I would love one of these - are you still taking orders?
@Timmy - there was a size chart posted a page or two ago
Wow, it's been a while since I've seen this thread.
An update on me - turns out I've got a condition called ankylosing spondilitis - it's a hereditary auto-immune disease that causes inflammation of the spine, particularly in the lower back and pelvis. It flares up from time to time and I can't ride when it's bad (the most recent one has lasted about 4 months so far, which is killing me). It's a pretty rare condition but a blood test would show it up.
Unfortunately they don't seem to understand much about it and there's currently no cure; for some it just goes away after a while. I've found regular stretching/core strengthening to be the best way to deal with it. I massively recommend finding a decent, intense pilates class and going to it. Seeing an osteopath from time-to-time does wonders, also swimming is meant to be good too but I have trouble fitting it in.
TS - I've been on Diclofenac for about 2 years now, although I also take Lansoprazole which gives some gastric protection. I tried Naproxin but didn't find it as effective. Never had any trouble with swollen joints from it though. I'm currently trying to get off it and onto another course of treatment, but the docs don't seem terrified that I'ves been that long on NSAIDs. Let us know how you get on.
If anyone else has any experience with AS it'd be great to hear from you...
Fresh meat: Poor fellow in my office has had a Create (the cream version with black rims) for two weeks. After leaving to ride home last night he returned five minutes with a left crank that turns independently of the right. Silly me always assumed that bb axles were made out of one solid piece of metal, we've not taken it out yet but this one feels like it's two pieces with some chewing gum in-between.
Suffice to say in the last 24 hrs I've had a chance to see one up close all I can say is AVOID CREATE BIKES LIKE THE PLAGUE. I wonder that no-one has been seriously injured on one of these yet.
I did not wear a helmet because the activity I was doing doesn't have any risk that required me to wear a helmet.
The childrens are riding with their parents when we were guiding them to the events, it's up to the parents to encourage children to wear helmets.
If a child isn't wearing one, I talk to the parents about it suggesting that it's worth getting a helmet for their child, at least for the time being until they're perfectly capable of riding on their own in traffic (I.e. When they're old enough or parents trust them enough with their risk assessment).
Firstly you're the guy who's given up his Sunday to help people ride their bikes, so please take all this with a pinch of salt (this is the internet, so I assume you're doing that anyway).
Surely if you're encouraging parents to think about getting their kids a helmet the best way to do it is just to wear one yourself. You and I know that the Skyride is probably the lowest-risk piece of cycling that you'll ever do, but the kid can't distinguish between the risks you're taking on the day compared to those in normal traffic. As an adult, children will look up to you, even if they pretend not to.
I have a feeling that if a child wears a helmet for the first seven years the adult will wear one for life.
I have the helmet discussion with people every week. What strikes me is that people are wearing helmets but do no know why they are wearing them. That is, they believe it is safer but have no information on the subject.
Personally I think bike shops are partly responsible; the more they can make it seem like a helmet is something you must buy at the same time as you buy a bike the more money they make.
There's a general feeling among many people about cycling and risk; or about risk in general perhaps. When you have a cycle training lesson with someone for two hours, it starts at 2 in the afternoon and they ask if they have to have lights on their bike then you know that something is wrong.We do things every day that we believe good for us without having information on the subject. I don't think you'd argue that eating fruit and veg isn't a good idea but have you ever read a peer-reviewed study on it? We can't be arsed to research everything we do, so on some level we have to trust others to do it for us.
Now I'm sure that a lot of it is bullshit invented by marketing departments to increase sales but I personally don't think that it is all founded on crap. The Tour mandates the wearing of helmets; those people aren't idiots (well, not all of them). There are standards for helmet construction, these came from somewhere, and presumably at some point they'd have noticed if the performance of them was indistinguishable from not wearing one. If you really believe that this occurred and that there is some great conspiracy on the part of Skid-lidâ„¢ to cover it up then so be it, but I just don't think the PR department at a bike helmet company is really comprised of people who are that smart.
Fortunately I have had Running Training so I know how to avoid these incidents. How about we try to see which one of us can get his head up his arse most easily instead? :)
We can do it on out bikes instead if you'd rather (the arses thing, that is, I can't afford any more tacoed wheels this month) :)
The decision as to whether a child ought to wear a helmet or not, even when making the decision for them, is based on the same assessment criteria as an adult. You logic makes a leap from children not being able to make their own risk assessment to de facto having to wear a helmet. Your paradigm ignores the risk assessment stage being made by anyone, let alone a responsible adult.
The decision is being made for them by a responsible adult, who has the duty to weigh up the risk factors and balance them against the real and perceived benefits.
Your argument doesn't really need derailing as it's not up to much in the first place.
Granted, I'm making helmets the de-facto standard, but I just think why wouldn't you? I have my reasons for not wearing one, but they are not related to safety, and in that sense it's not a particularly evidence-based judgement. If I were learning to cycle I'd wear one, and I'd encourage others to do so too.
If we do that then all activities of a similar level of risk should involve helmet wearing. All kids climbing trees should have a helmet on e.t.c.
Granted, but do you really think that climbing a tree and cycling though London really represent similar levels of risk? Sure the worst-case injuries are similar, but 1) Most kids will spend proportionally far less time climbing trees than they do cycling. 2) When climbing a tree you dictate your own level of risk, and kids are actually not that stupid most of the time and 3) Trees don't tend emerge from side-roads at 30mph without looking.
As for 'It's the same as falling down stairs'; yes, you could hurt yourself very badly, but thousands of journeys up and down stairs are successfully completed every hour without incident. If the chances of having an cycle accident were the same as that of falling down stairs this whole argument would be moot since statistically bike accidents would happen at a rate of about one per decade.
Also, the whole point of these things is that people are learning to cycle. Again, while doing that your risk is increased and I don't think it unreasonable to be encouraged to take greater precautions while doing so.
The logic of assessing what is an acceptable risk for the adult extends to what is an acceptable risk for a child. The factors involved in the decision are the same.
Yes but we're not talking about some kind of objective logic with a definitive answer; whether or not you wear a helmet is a personal choice made on a number of subjective factors, and as a society we generally don't consider kids to be equipped to make such decisions.
tl;dr yeah, you're all going to try and derail my argument with the all the shit that presumably the other 50 pages of this thread are about. My point was something like this: not wearing a helmet is less-safe than wearing one; if we want to choose not to then so be it, but shouldn't we encourage kids to wear one till they are able make that choice for themselves?
I have so many people asking me why I'm not wearing a helmet at the Skyride yesterday due to wearing a marshall jacket.
pretty annoying.
Personally I think kids should be encouraged to wear helmets and if you're in a position where you're being some kind of example to kids then you should probably wear one too.
I know all the arguments for and against wearing them (at the moment I choose not too), but the point is that we're adults and we get to make that choice because we understand the risks and make an educated (or not) decision. I think kids should be encouraged to wear them until they are in a position to make the same decision for themselves.
Does that make sense? It's like I'd never smoke around kids with whom I'm in a position of authority - it's not that there's anything wrong with it (well, like riding a without helmet, there's clearly something wrong with it–-on one level it's fucking stupid--but again it's about acceptable risk and being old enough to make that decision for yourself), I just don't think it needs to be encouraged.
Anyone else been on these in the rain over the last few days? The drainage on them is fucking terrible, water just seems to pool on top of them. Going north from Clapham North there's a very noticeable difference between the blue surface and the freshly laid red of the bus lane. You'd think someone might have considered this somewhere in the design process.
Other quirks I've noticed heading north towards Oval (CS7):
I'm not sure what they were thinking on the roundabout just north of Stockwell - they've put a divider down the middle of the road for traffic going round (the smurf strip is going round), but the smurf strip is to the left of the divide, so you end up on the outside the traffic leaving the roundabout with this shitty little gap at the end to rejoin your lane. That probably makes no sense at all so here's a crude diagram:
Also they've totally jumped the shark outside Oval tube station, over a third of the fairly wide three lane junction is painted blue, I felt like I was going to drown.
- coppiThat
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Aw hell yeah. This was great fun last year. Can someone make sure we know where we're going out of Greenwich this time?
- coppiThat