Is this thread going to be a default for suspicious Gumtree tree ads?
If it is, here's another one, just popped up:
in case it's any use to someone.
But suspension? surely a rigid would be more than enough?
Just a thought: given that the police are one of the most "unionised" workforces (I know it's not a real union, they can't strike etc.), do you not think if they had a problem with their bikes they'd do something about it themselves?
A copper on a bike isn't being used in pursuit of anyone, just to be a presence in a wider area than one on foot, surely?
gatorskins are a pain to get on, but you just need to be persistent. alternatively, you could try a crank brothers speed lever.
These are great, I didn't understand why they got such good praise until I got one. They pull out and rotate - clip one end over the axle and the other over or under the tyre (different edge for on or off), then just push it around the whole rim. Makes it a doddle, or with the few tyres I've used it with anyway.
Well done, Mark. Did you even read what I wrote before wading in? I didn't say my job is shit - I quite like my job, actually - and I work in a unionised workplace; I also said on the whole I support unions. My point about pay, which you would have got if you'd read my post propery, is that they already get pretty well renumerated for what they do. Personally I don't think driving a tube train is as hard as being, for example, a nurse on A&E and they get paid a damned sight better than them, so to be asking for - and then striking over - a 5% increase (and the rights of their workers, who were in the wrong) annoys me. Perhaps I was wrong to use myself and my girlfriend as examples but you get my point. I did also state that it's no doubt a shit job that I would not like to do.
Time for bed, Mark.
That's the main point, right there - arguing from an individual point of of view and comparing one job's conditions to another because you think they're better off, that's what I've been complaining about. Noone's yet explain all this indignation about pay despite multiple people asking, so I really do assume it's jealousy, or pissed-offness, whatever. Just someone please admit that finally though, please?
And all this stuff about which job's harder. Why does it matter? That's not how pay gets decided in the capitalist economy, is it? I've no idea how hard it is and I don't really understand why anyone should care if they're a capitalist.
Thats so idealistic it hurts Winston! of course we would all want that but a man picking random numbers of a PC monitor losing milllions at a bank gets paid millions and a social worker changing lives scrapes by.. do you now think those that choose the job had their earnings in mind?
They do a job for the satisfaction it gives them, not for the piles of money they have to spend on the little time they have to them selves.Almost everybody just does a job to get money to survive, and I'd hazard a guess that most people don't particularly choose the jobs they've got. If people were working just for satisfaction not many lottery tickets would be sold, you'd have thought.
Today's proven my superfluous, no value to society job is exactly that - this place is more than half empty. Anyone beat that?
And yet another thing, these figures the CBI/whoever come out with of the "cost to London" of strikes and similar - what are they counting? I seriously don't get it - what money isn't being spent today or what things aren't being made today that won't just get spent / made on Friday? Or am I just being really dumb?
I don't mind what they get paid, i think they are taking the piss asking for a payrise and no redundancies when everyone else is getting fucked over.
Sigh, I'm a glutton for punishment, but still noone's answered this one: just because someone is getting fucked over, why does that mean someone else should be?
The RMT refused to suspend strike action whilst the ACAS talks went on, which is just pathetic.
I'll agree I don't really see the wisdom there, if that's true. It's difficult to know what's true when you hear directly conflicting stuff from either side - for example the claim that since election, Boris Johnson hasn't met directly with RMT leadership once. If that's true, that sounds pretty bad. (I know though it could just be something for Hendy to do instead)
They are not fighting for better conditions. They are insisting their jobs are stable, they take a cut in hours and get paid more money.. in this climate i think thats a bit rich.
Well yeah, but they (as far as I read, anyway) had an agreement that the jobs were safeguarded when Metronet went tits up, and that's being changed. It's not their fault that PPP is a stupid farce. "Current economic climate" seems to be a really convenient buzz phrase to blame any cuts or "rationalisation" on. TFL and LUL aren't ordinary private companies, and imposing a 5 year pay deal means it'll outlast whatever the current climate is.
The investment should be made in improving the workspace not filling the employees pockets. these are clearly low on morale and paying them wont fix that
I agree with that (although extra cash makes people a bit happier temporarily it won't stop future demands either - I'm not that blinkered...)
It's a difficult one, and not helped by how abrasive Crow comes across (or is reported by) the media. I just think it's better to try and understand what's actually going on and both points of view (my bias is pretty obvious) than whine about "cunts on 40k" or whatever.
I'll throw my tuppence in here too. They are all on a final salary pension scheme. No private companies are doing those any more and those that have them are phasing them out. They get a great deal for a fiarly simple job (...) bunch of cheese eating surrender monkeys
So again, it's lower the lucky's conditions to the lowest common denominator rather than try and bring the unlucky's up. What a great society we live in. But I now realise I'm defeated, in a minority and the 80s and 90s really did turn us all into self-centred gits. And that this is a forum about cycling and there's too much random shit on here lately anyway, and I apologise for adding to it.
Fuck the tube drivers! if you don't like the job get another. i have Z.E.R.O patience for these people who bitch about work and do fuck all about it. change the record you halfwit button pushers.
Err, they're doing something. Something more than most people have the luxury of doing, whether you agree with it or not you can't deny that.
If the job is shit do something you do enjoy, there will always be people willing to work and if they don't TFL have to improve standards or improve the running to attract good people to do the job well
I'm not sure I've heard anyone except outsiders say it's a shit job or that they're saying that. There's obviously a lot of benefits to it. They're fighting for (even, if you want) better conditions. If you could do that, wouldn't you?
If they're button pushers (yes, they are, just button pushers with a lot more potential responsibility than most) then how do you improve standards or get better people? Surely you're just either competent at it, or not?
rather than get in a strop with the one union that is still strong enough to call and go through with a strike - why not imagine what it would be like if every other union out there hadn't jumped in the pockets of the policticians at the first sign of cash.
Spot on.
Whilst I am (just about) left of centre in my political views and think unions are generally I good idea, this lot don't seem to know the meaning of 'negotiate' and will down tools at the drop of a hat; it's on their terms or nothing.
I saw a report on the RMT's demands the other night which also showed what tube drivers get paid. It's already more than my psychologist girlfriend gets paid, more than I get paid as a fundraiser for a national charity, and they want a 5% pay rise and no threats of redundancies. We have lost staff through voluntary redundancy and pay rises have not matched inflation for two years but people still go to work because work needs to be done.
So fuck you, Bob - your lot ain't getting such a bad deal.
P.S. I am not having a moan cos they get paid more than me, by the way. I imagine it's a horrible, depressing job and I wouldn't want to do it.
It's that sort of argument that I really can't stand. "My job is shit, I have shit conditions and can be fucked over at any moment, so everyone else should be too." If other industries and unions hadn't capitulated so easily, maybe more of us would be in a strong position - would you say no to being? Working somewhere where I've been threatened with redundancy 3 times in the past year I think I'd really like a unionised workplace - workers inevitably have no power individually, only collectively.
As for the obsession with how much someone else is paid - where does this come from? Jealousy? If you are jealous, apply to join them. I wouldn't, because I wouldn't want to do their job. It irks me that it seems many people aren't honest about their motive for slagging other workers off.
you only have to look at the poor standard of driving in this country to see that the standard of cycling is going to be just as bad, i see no reason why cyclists will behave any different. i.e selfish, inconsiderate, in a hurry, oblivious of what's going on around them and who think it's o.k for them to break the law but not others.
+1 Every group is bad. I'd start with a cull of everyone who darts out into the road at a pedestrian crossing. You can see dozens of these people, and not a single one will have pressed the button. Why? They're too important for that of course.
Any real change has to be pretty fundamental and at a higher level than the individual or a single bit of road I reckon. Farting around with a cycle lane here, a bit of paint there, a TFL poster campaign there doesn't do anything. It's like "traffic calming", it's just tinkering lipservice and annoys people. Way higher up, you could start with seemingly unconnected stuff, like making kids go to their local school so they're not driven half way across London twice a day, give planning authorities the power and will to stop there being a Tesco Metro or Lidl Urban on every corner, start to remove unnecessary traffic. Or have government (national and local) that'll actually invest in public transport rather than painting it a different colour, just more lipservice. Random example, for the bits of London where the lack of other public transport means you get a continuous stream of buses fighting for road space along one corridor, put a tram in - more efficient, more predictable, people are more likely to use it and leave their car and those roads will be more pleasant. (Out from the centre east towards Hackney seems an obvious route for a tram, for example)
Umm, I guess all I really mean is the problem is too much traffic trying to use too little road. Triple the congestion charge, or something.
Not a stolen bike, and a bit of a pointless post but it might make me feel a little better to rant.
Some fucker stole my lights from the pockets of my jacket tonight in a pub. The shit also decided to have a go at the landlord and his missus and be racist to them for being Polish, enough so that the police got called. I've no doubt I'll never see the bastard again, but on the off chance anyone gets offered a cateye led front and rear light (or a pair of glasses the **** got too) around Croydon,
please kick them in the nuts. Hard.What made the night had to be the old bill (called by the landlord's wife worried about the fight
her husband was having with the shit) warning me when I left that I couldn't ride my bike without
lights. "I know, they've been nicked..."I used to like where I live and argue against people saying south london or croydon was shit, ho hum.
I'd say don't worry about it. More people get knocked down in London just cos there's more people there of course. Being cautious isn't a bad thing, don't fret, try it and see what you think. Chances are the bike won't be as scary as you might worry, chances are the traffic might be scarier than it.
If you're going back on the train from Waterloo watch out for the nazi peak-time bike restrictions:
"In the area bounded by Hook, Alton, Guildford, Reading and Dorking, cycles may not join or alight from services due to arrive in London between 07:15 and 10:00 inclusive, and departing London between 16:45 and 19:00 inclusive."
If you don't think you'll be confident in traffic you could try crossing the river over London Bridge (walking to there if you want) and ride (or walk) along the South Bank to Waterloo (past Tate Modern and the Festival Hall etc - wide pedestrian walkways all along there, can avoid all traffic right the way to Waterloo...
There's a huge difference between the mobile version of the site and the full one, which lots of phones wouldn't cope with or it just wouldn't be usable.
Also "google.com" followed by "lfgss" is more to type than "m.lfgss.com" - not all phones remember addresses or do bookmarks. (Both "google" and "lfgss" aren't ideal names for phones though, having consecutive letters on the same key. I doubt Google are going to change their name because of that any time soon though)
I guess my point is what's handy for someone isn't always handy for everyone else.