Glad other people thought the Matrix was as bad as I did, at the time everyone I knew raved about it, I just didn't see it at all. Highlander too, that's a pile of arse, and Chariots of Fire, proof that plaudits and awards mean sod all.
My favourite film is Carry On Camping though, so I probably know nothing.
Afterall, the Royal Family do turn a profit.
In what way? The one you usually hear is "but they bring in tourists", which is unquantifiable and questionable anyway, I reckon. Just which tourists turn up hoping to see them? It's not like people turn up at the Coliseum and say "well it's ok, but it'd be much better if Caesar would show his face"
No recommendations sorry, but Travelodge Tower Bridge (at the bottom of Minories) seems one of the cheapest for a chain, 55q a night - http://www.travelodge.co.uk
laterooms.com and travelsupermarket.com are pretty good for searching for places. I'd just be wary of any bargains listed as Paddington, lots of doss-holes over that way. There's quite a few little hotels around Bloomsbury / Gray's Inn sort of way, again know nothing about them but some look pretty nice from going past. e.g. this place
http://www.georgehotel.com/english/prices.htm , but that's getting pricier if you don't want a shared bathroomhttp://www.tripadvisor.com is good for independent people's reviews of places they've stayed
Pisses me off when people/shops won't let you bring in the bike. Bike tyres touch the same surfaces that shoes touch, so what's the problem?
I'd never thought about it until last week when some poor sod got unceremoniously kicked out of Jessops on New Oxford St (acres of empty floor space in there) - "hey, you can't bring that in here", "what, even if i'm buying something?", "no", "ok, i'll go somewhere else then"
Wish I'd followed him when I was still waiting to be served 10 minutes later
I've ate someone's hat?
It is a friendly place, unless you are new.
That can't be true though, think about it. Everyone's new at some point. It's not like there are just 5 original members on here in some elitist clique, otherwise how would anyone else join in, meet people, go to drinks, go on rides? I'm a very infrequent poster and casual reader yet I've had invites etc. Mind you I didn't try and ingratiate myself by telling people to fuck off.
He IS making the effort, by coming on here asking people in the know.
here's the situation, you don't know anything about fixed bikes, but you want to try one. You see the bianchi and the swobo and think "well they look nice" but you don't know which would be a better bike, after all you've only seen them on the internet.
So you think "I know, i'll go on londonfgss, they are experts on these type of bikes, theres bound to be dozens of people who have experience of both bikes."
Well, about fixed gear bikes in general, is there that much to know? Not a great deal more than has been covered on here many times before anyway. I often think people just don't help themselves - if a question suggested that someone had made any effort to try and decide between 2 bikes themselves and wondered if anyone had experience of them you might find people a bit more receptive rather than just "X or Y folks?" - why it's narrowed down to a choice between X and Y already would help.
Even when there's a wealth of experience and knowledge people are going to get pissed off if it seems people just want everything handed to them on a plate. It's really really not that hard to search, on here, on google, lurk, read old threads, read Sheldon Brown etc etc. Then a simple question might be a bit more interesting too, not just another "tell me what to do"
The alternative's everything being answered regardless. Imagine a computer games forum with people asking "xbox or playstation?" (i'm sure they exist). You'd probably end up with 20 threads a day full of "xbox ftw!" "playstation sux, lame!". Great.
This topic has been done to death on here the past few months though anyway, so I apologise to everyone for keeping it going. It'll get though eventually right? Maybe not eh.
if you "don't give a fuck" then don't post. cunt.
seasons greetings.
(and if you lurked and read old threads for more than 10 minutes you'd realise that's not really very offensive at all on here)
suffocation's human waste is one of the best death metal albums (actually an e.p). You can't also beat a bit of fucking carcass!!! Best shred to work now.
Carcass were great. Were though, cos Swansong had to be the most anticipated and most disappointing album ever, very sad. Everything before that though... saw them twice on the (last?) tour, the one with Cubanate supporting, where there were semi "riots" because some knuckleheads didn't like them having an electronic band supporting them, sigh. Cubanate - Antimatter is a brilliant album too though probably a bit dated now, hope I've still got a copy
Just a pointer to what wildbill wanted to post and needed to repeat post first to (read it before assuming the worst folks):
willdbill, I'm afraid other than predictable platitudes I don't know what to say, but I do know that you'll find good people here willing to help with whatever they can as much as they can
Sorry for just how random this is. I'm sure I've read mentions of Madison, Wisconsin on the forum during my months of lurking and thought there was someone on here from there, but searching I've not found the posts, sorry. (Search for madison brings up lots of talk about, err, madisons!)
Anyway, here goes for random - if someone reads this who's from or knows there, any advice appreciated. I'm going on holiday to the US and have all the transport planned and booked, except I need to get from Madison to Chicago (next Friday). Flights seem a stupid price for a short distance ($350 for 150 miles!), so I want to go by bus / train instead. I've found that I can book an Amtrak train from Milwaukee to Chicago online, and get a Badger Coaches bus from Madison to Milwaukee, but the bus website just won't work for me. I'm just after a bit of reassurance from anyone who knows the area - should I not worry about it being full and just get a bus ticket when I'm there? Or is there a more sensible way of doing it?
Thanks a lot.
(Yes, I worry too much)
Change !
But can you **believe **in it? I'm obviously a nasty cynic cos I don't.
The depressing thing is that no matter what party, sorry person, wins, it'll probably end up being put down to race by people I can't stand from one part or another of the spectrum. And more depressingly, there could well be a bit of truth in it if they do.
Ah, wiggle and citylink. Ok, just citylink. Maybe just citylink in Beckenham. Ordered some stuff from wiggle, watched it sit at the depot for two days then got a card through the door. Get a lift to the depot and get given a small parcel - "oh, is there not another one? was expecting it to be bigger", nope. Get home, half of it's missing, email wiggle - yes, was sent in two boxes, one is still at the depot. Phone citylink, arrange delivery for next day. Wait until 5:45, phone up - "oh, sorry, that didn't go out today!", go to depot again and pick it up.
I wish everyone just used the royal mail.
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