Stupid question for easy flames time:
I've got http://activesportskit.co.uk/product_info.php?products_id=1154 these tyres and have them on the wrong way round, the 22mm on the rear and 23 on the front. Is that likely to make any noticable difference - bearing in mind I don't really get above 10mph anyway? I suppose I should just swap them over but was wondering if it would just be cosmetic for me really, I guess the extra reinforcement should be on the back though.
Someone I know takes great pleasure in using the 'emergency engine stop' button on buses that cut her up. It's less illegal than bashing them with your lock, and more effective, as the driver has to get out of the bus and walk round to the back to get it started again, giving you plenty of time to disappear.
Almost guaranteed to have no positive effect at all though. If the driver didn't have any anti-bike prejudice before he probably will afterwards, likewise any passenger on it who realised what happened (unlikely though)
Just a thought - driving a bus isn't the greatest job on earth and they do get a lot of stick from the great public, so don't automatically assume they're all cunts, some are like in every walk of life but sometimes some of them just like the rest of us will just be making a mistake.
And, if one's done something seriously dangerous, note down the registration number and the depot plaque number thingy (slide-in plate on either side by the front) if you get it and report it to TFL - if people don't there's no record of a particular driver being bad and no comeback on them.
Across the road me is one of those blue and yellow VW Beetle twatmobiles. Ludlow Thompson, apparently. And it's not just a VW Beetle, it's a "property response vehicle"
How's that work? "Cripes Penfold, there's a property, let's respond!"
Do they even realise what cunts people think they are? Sadly I've got nothing to deface it with other than maybe shitting on the bonnet and I've not got the guts for that.
There was a good one I used to go in on the Cut when I lived there but it was 11 years ago and I can't remember the name, useful eh.
Seem to be loads on Lower Marsh and maybe the Cut though:
I've noticed Marie's going past and it looks good, not tried though:
Mark, that's excellent cheers. wherabouts are you?
if the docking station plugs into the mains and powers the laptop without anything needing plugging into the DC socket, then that would work i should think
Yeah, power works through the docking station. I work by Cambridge Circus so could meet you there or anywhere central really if that's better tomorrow lunchtime or after work (if it fits and Hippy's doesn't)
Is it the jack on the power supply that's gone, or on the laptop itself? I'm guessing on the laptop, but if it is the power supply i've got a spare one. Dunno if my laptop's battery (nc6320, i think) is the same as that and can't check til i'm at work tomorrow, but if it is and they work on mains without a battery in (do they?) you could borrow it for a day or two if you don't need it today
It's also surely making what a bus lane is actually there to do pretty fuzzy - I'd have thought to try and keep buses (or rather public transport, as taxis can use most of them too) moving. Who else might think they have a claim to use them in future? Private hire cars? Delivery drivers?
I don't know if it would happen, but I don't like the idea of the inconsiderate jostling you see from scooter riders at lights in bus lanes too - seems likely that lots of them won't care about their affect on the buses and bikes behind them. Or maybe that's too biased and judgmental, I dunno.
Do you know of locations where moto's share with cycles?
What's the collision rate between the two road users like?Surely you'd need a trial run arranged on a bus lane somewhere (like the one way test for cycles on at the moment) to find out if accidents rates changed?
What's the argument for motorcycles? Less risk to them from cars I suppose?
You're good at this stuff Bill.. if you are opposed to this (I don't know your stance) then what approach would you take?
TFL did a trial the other year, one of the places was Brixton Road (A23)
Their report on it is here: http://www.tfl.gov.uk/assets/downloads/P2W-in-bus-lanes-study.pdfThere's a bunch of statistics in it that I don't understand, but on accidents there's this:
Conclusions - Impact on Vulnerable Road Users
The VRU casualty number assessments were carried out using four scenarios. Each scenario compared the trial against both types of control, resulting in eight analyses for each VRU group.
The assessment of P2W collision numbers showed six of the eight analyses as being beneficial to the safety of P2W riders and two out of eight showed a disbenefit. All four assessments during operational hours showed a safety benefit.
The pedal cycle casualty numbers showed three of the eight analyses as being beneficial to the safety of pedal cyclists and five out of eight showed a disbenefit. Two of the four assessments during operational hours showed a safety benefit.
The pedestrian casualty numbers showed two of the eight analyses as being beneficial to the safety of pedestrians, five returned a disbenefit and one showed no change.
None of the figures produced are statistically significant.and on public opinion this:
Customer research carried out on behalf of TfL into the attitudes of a range of road users were made available for this study. Studies targeted motorcyclists, cyclists, bus drivers, pedestrians and the general public.
The surveys showed that only motorcyclists and car drivers (who are not also bus users) as the two user groups where a majority approved of the measure. Amongst the VRU groups, the main reason for disapproval of the measure was their perception of the compromise to safety.
Among a sample of Londoners, more people believe allowing motorbikes to use bus lanes would be a bad idea than a good one, but opinion is strongly divided, with 45% in favour and 48% against.So TFL under Livingstone rejected it saying there was no proof there'd be any safety benefit to anyone.
thats a really good price, fair play to you.
+1, that's very decent, especially as after just 2 weeks trying to recoup your money's perfectly understandable
You never know, scratch "SPECIALIZED" down the tube and it might get 500 quid on ebay ;-) (A Specialized Langster went for some crazy money like that a couple of weeks ago)
think consensus here is that anyone buying one (the bike, not the lock) is being had, sadly. If you're interested use the forum search for "unipack" to find posts on it.
If you're lucky you'll get a buyer on gumtree, although there's people who'll think the "had"s just being passed on then.
If you're after another bike (or are you selling because you've decided cycling or a singlespeed bike just isn't for you?) have a look at the off-the-peg thread on here:http://www.londonfgss.com/thread2287-2.html
and keep an eye on the ebay etc thread:
because people's actually vote for him because he's going to get rid of the bendy bus, that all, that's all the reason he's well liked.
fuck sake, bendy bus! simply add a conductor on the bendy bus and the problem will (kinda) be solved, rather than spending £100 million on a new routemaster, which is nice, but with 2012 coming up, it's a bit too much when there's already a lots of investment in public transport and the like.
There probably are reasons to not like the bendy bus, but what I really can't stand is how such a stupid little issue gets blown out of any sane proportion and you end up with people voting based on the model of a fucking bus, that probably most voters in london don't use and don't ride a bike on the same streets as them. It's like someone voting someone in because they say they'll bring steam trains back. It's fine to not like a bendy bus, but replace them with routemasters, load of shit that'll never happen. AND if people really are such bus spotters for old buses, why aren't they queuing up to get on the handful that still run?
Oh, but they're not suited to London's roads. Maybe, maybe not but no other city with them has a bus made out to be such a big deal. What's so unique about London's roads then?
As a passenger on them they are fucking horrible when they're packed, but isn't the answer to that more buses or better use of them? I can see why a transport planner would go for a bendy on some routes - if it's a city centre route where people are mainly jumping on for a couple of stops then getting people on and off quicker's a good thing, and people don't want to go upstairs on a bus if they're only going a couple of stops. The sort of route they're suited for should probably have a tram on it instead though - trams instead of the ones to Ilford and Islington would be great, if there was enough room for them. With segregated bike lanes along the tracks where there's room too. Why didn't Boris campaign on something like that? Because it's all cheap soundbite gesture politics bollocks.
Thread hijack - why can't buses in London have bike racks on the front like they do in and around San Francisco? Impressed with this way of carrying bikes on a tram too:
Easy to use, doesn't get in the way of anyone and no bungy straps or anything needed. Just the thing to put by the disabled bog on a train.
(not my bike and its owner didnt notice me staring at it thhinking it looked nice but if you just take that and that off...)
Cool! There's some rare Beatles stuff I've been after for ages. Can you get me Ringo's autograph???