At one point, on an easy flat bit, I distinctly remember wanting to coast and straighten my legs so badly, even for just like 5 seconds, but had to ride it out instead trying to stop the cramps in my calves from kicking in properly and also trying to crank up the pace cos I wanted to be 1st girl back!)
Sheldon says one of the reasons to ride fixed is to get rid of the nasty habit of coasting.
a nice little social experiment that pierce might appreciate.
My name ain't 'Pierce'.
I'm not meeting tonight. But I'm heading to a party in O'Connell's street tomorrow so if you guys are cycling tomorrow evening let me know.
I agree with Flickerx.
If you make a 'club' whereby people 'join' for a euro or whatever then you can show the film as a private club viewing as far as I know.Similarly, who the fuck cares? No one's gonna come shut you down for showing it... but wow if they did, can you imagine the street cred? The photos on facebook? The enhanced feeling of being ridiculed normally reserved for the 'too fashion forward'!
Let me know. I'm game. I also HATE flat, fuck the middies.
Kerry, Clare, West Cork, Galway, Mayo, Etc are all good for me!