Have to throw my two pence here
I'm a motorbiker too, and have full license and one of the bigger bikes, and indeed, mostly use it on longer routes as in the centre it's pointless, but can see the appeal of sometimes taking it to work out of laziness or convenience etc.
Still, as a cyclist i get sometimes so annoyed with other motorbikers- passing way too close, blocking gaps pointlessly, and don't even get me started on the teenagers on mopeds.
** But i'd say i could point out a big bunch of idiots who are shit cyclists and don't have any understanding of other road users too, so i guess it goes both ways.**Have to agree though, that surprisingly often the bigger the motorbike they have the less they need to show off on the road hence the more calm and easy they are on others - maybe it's got to do with more years of experience. And mopeds are a nightmare for other moto users too, if i could i'd shoot them all.
Re. bike lane - can't be objective here, i'm cool with it, win-win.
- several
I have an overpowered motorbike that gets used infrequently for town use as well as long distance riding and I think it's a really good idea (from the motorbiker's view). I have been knocked off twice while not in a bus lane by taxis suddenly pulling out of said bus lane into me as I am overtaking them. If I had been in the same lane as them, I'm pretty sure they would have seen me behind them and saw me pulling out to overtake.
I'm with VinylVillian completely on this one, having driven, rode and pedelled most forms of transport round the centre of London (including artic lorries.) Everyone else is a cunt, you are always in the right.
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oodles of fixed and SS between Hackney Road / Old Street / Clerkenwell Road this morning, but the winner has to go to the blonde lovely on a green respray with gold deep V's, drops and seat post. Lovely lovely bum.
And to the guy with the same hairdresser as Wurzle Gummage on an ancient geared road machine, if you had wanted to beat me that badly, you needn't have been peddalling like a maniac - you had about 4 gears to go!
hi guys. it was me. i was riding from east to west, hoxton way straight over the roundabout. was in correct lane when said container truck behind me chaneged lanes to go down moorgae way. hit me frombehind, bike went upon to his grill as my legs wentunder hiscab,followed by my bjke after it fell off his grill.
legs okay, ish. miracuklously no broken bones apart from big toe. wheels went over legs between ancles and knees, othereise culd have been a differnt story. had first op of plstics last night, got a few more to go.
thsnk you so much for the thread, andto everyone that knows me both on here and in real life im doing well. shoukd be out in a coule of weeks maybe.
sorry forthe crap typing - doing it from the hospital bedand their little keyb oard thngs are shiut!!!!