Sweet. Added my name. Won't be able to catch up with you all until I finish work, about 10ish, but I'm sure I can one of your numbers and give you a bell to find out whereabouts you all are. Plus, depending on how my legs hold up depends on how long I'm able to keep going, but I'm definately up for it.
Yeah baby :-)
Not so sure about loving it just yet, shat myslef about 4 times just going up some quiet residential roads, but it's a big step to ride again at all, so I'm sure I'll get used to London traffic again in time.
I'm not going to put anything in the original threads as I don't really want to read them or go over what happened just yet, but I would like people to know that I'm a lot better, and although have a limp and some crazy scarring going on, am up on my feet, happy with life, and slowly getting back to normality again :)
Hey there guys,
Some of you may remember about three months ago some bloke who had recently joined this site and had been to only a couple of drinks nights got himself into an altercation with a lorry and had his legs crushed on Old Street roundabout. Well that bloke was me and after having come out of hospital, escaped from my zimmer frame and crutches, I managed to ride my bike this morning for the first time. The whole 2 miles from my flat to Kiwi cycles to get the back wheel un-buckled, anyway!
Anyway, I know had loads of support on this website, but I really wasn't in the frame of mind to really think too hard about biking or anything beyond getting well again, which is why I haven't been on here since the accident. I just wanted to say that I am back up and on wheels again, even if it is with slightly "altered" legs, and a massive thank you to Casper who wrote a little message from me that he picked up from me while I was in hospital. You are a star, as is everyone else who wished me a safe recovery.
Hope to see you all again soon, once my bike is unbent again.
Judging by the position of the truck, it was in the wrong lane coming round the roundabout and was swinging across a lane of traffic to go south into the City. The position where the rider would have been is pretty much the normal position that everyone ends up in when they're trying to head straight across the roundabout from Old St east to Old St west.
I wasn't there at the time, though, just have been riding that route every morning for the last four years so have a vague idea of how things normally work there.
thats pretty much exectly hoe it happened,yeah.
This just highlights how bloody lucky I was. Just had a shiver go right through my spine thinking about things.