he expects to get the price he paid for it when you could just get your own custom built
Sick of my 30cm langster, need something that actually fits.
So, looking for a nice 53/54cm frameset. If I had the money I would buy a EAI bareknuckle so that gives you an idea of what sort of thing I'm after.
Must be in good condition and the right size but after that I'm open.
Looking to spend around 300
Oh yeah must be willing to post up north.
I can help. http://www.philthomaswebdesign.co.uk/
And my wordpress blog: http://www.philthomaswebdesign.co.uk/wordpress/
Rates will be cheap as I'm trying to build up a good portfolio. PM me here or through my site.
thanks, i saw those today, they look alright but i need something drilled for front brake.
if no one has anything for me here by next week i think i'll be buying a gorilla hattara.