There are racks in the Dean St car park, I've locked there a few times.
It is true that no location is safe but I always try to find somewhere out of the way of passing pedestrians at night to avoid casual vandalism and somewhere busy during the day to avoid it getting stolen.
My bike is never locked up for more than an hour or so, so I don't really have and favourite spots. Central station is/was a good one but I'm less keen now they have moved them all further down the platform. The locks on Saville Row are good when I'm in town, undercover, visible from Northumberland Street but not in the way of people passing by, 8/10, would lock again.
Seriously considering cutting back the camera collection to just a high quality compact. Think it may force me to think more, anyone else gone though the same?
Or maybe this is just another example of GAS as mentioned in that article Edscoble linked too.
I find myself wanting to take pictures a lot more recently but no motivation too. It's a rut of sorts and I f£(king hate it.
Was in pretty much the same situation a few months back. Just kept buying gear and never really using it. Decided to sell it all and now my only camera is an X100. It's small so it's always with me which means I shoot more and the fixed lens forces me to think about composition which is another reason I switched. I still don't have the desire to buy a DSLR and I think the photos I have taken with the Fuji are some of my best/favourite.
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