So gta:o.
Fort Zancudo jet fighting mission is amazingly good fun.
While in a lobby, someone set a bounty of 2 million on a random character. I was just about to go try and get it when I was given 55 million by a player. 55 MILLION DOLLARS. WHAT?!
Anyone want a fancy apartment?
All went a bit Breaking Bad just then, thanks Phil!
Would have been up for more but I need to go to bed soon or I'll be in trouble (boring).
I badly need a better gun and better armour. Having the basic gun then running out of ammo isn't helpful (sorry).
Was a laugh, not the best mission though. I've run out of ammo like that before too, feel a bit helpless. I wasn't getting very far up that hill with the RV anyway.
I still haven't managed to get online with lfgss folk yet.
Had a short session earlier with dtap someone (would have liked to play longer but phone rang..) from the LFGS crew. Wasn't really sold on GTAO until now but it was a lot of fun playing with someone at least vaguely interested in doing missions and progressing rather than just shooting everyone in sight.
We tried the 'Top Fun' mission. Even though it seems we both failed miserably at the hunting part, it's pretty awesome. Some kind of organised time where a group of us went on to have a go at it would be really good I think.
this whole personal car business is annoying.
Not being able to steal any car and get away with it is annoying, yeah. But being able to chose whatever personal car you'd like in single player would be awesome. Along with purchasing properties. Loads of good online stuff that could have easily been implemented in single player.
Well I really like it. I think the handling is a huge improvement over previous GTA games and it looks better than I thought it would. My only complaint so far is that you have to use R2 for accelerate. Seeing as it's probably the most used button in a driving game, my finger is aching from trying to hold down that awful trigger. Hopefully there will be a patch released to allow you switch back to the X and Square for car controls.
Also, the map is quite small (at least compared to the hype), but it's fine. I think San Andreas was too big at times and this seems much easier to get places quickly when you want to.
Has anyone worked out how purchasing/losing vehicles works yet? There will be cars that I will want to keep after modding and spending thousands on and it would be a shame if they just disappeared forever like in previous games. The police impound thing seems great but can you guarantee your car will end up there if you accidentally leave it half way up a mountain?It's all explained in the game manual.
For anyone with an X100 - http://www.fujirumors.com/it-will-come-x100-firmware-2-0-on-the-way-and-youll-get-focus-peaking-live-blogging-tomorrow-6am-gmt/
...What is focus peaking? -
Considering there was so much trouble with GTAO at the start what with millions of people trying to play at the same time, it feels kind of dead now.
Whenever I play the lobby is barely half full and its pretty much impossible to start a mission as no one else will join.
The only thing that seems to work is 'Criminal Records' because everyone wants to level up fast.
Anyone else have this problem?