Dark Souls question (and feel free to lol at only just getting there now!)
What should I do before ascending to NG?I'm kindling the fires, but its been a while since I've really looked at ascending weapons etc so any thoughts along that path would be great :)
Depends what you want from your build but maybe upgrade everything you have (weapons and armour) to max while you have the opportunity to farm ore and souls from later areas in the game. Titanite chunks from New Londo and twinkling titanite from Crystal Cave are always useful. Also kill an NPCs (why not) and get all firekeeper souls for Estus +7.
I want to play now...
Reasons for not liking the XA2 -
The shutter release - rarely worked first time and there is no feedback on it so I never ever knew when it was going to take a picture. It may have been a dodgy camera but I did have 2 different ones.
Zone focusing - although I found leaving it in the middle (mostly by accident) was usually ok for most shots.
Lack of control - would like to be able to change the aperture and focus correctly
When I got a good shot out of it, it was great, but that didn't happen very often.
Phil, if you don't mind it being a bit bigger, the Yashica electro 35 gtn/gsn is hard to beat. Amazing lens, usually 1.7 or 1.8, really sharp, beautifully coated giving great results. It is the same size if not bigger than a film slr though.
I could lend you mine if you want to put a roll through?
Thanks for the offer, definitely need something small though, mainly looking for something that just stays in my bag all the time.
Contax anything is a bit out of my price range I think, looking for something no more than 100
actually i know exactly where this is....