can you expand? is it true about the three strikes?
as an ex-cab driver your probably in the best position for informing us all what the best way to act in this situation would be.
I stopped being a cab driver in 1992 but i have never heard of a 3 strikes and out rule.....each incident is taken on its merits.....I was once off the road for a week cos my cab was a bit dirty!......this is much more serious
I would a] Make a formal complaint at the Public Carriage Office in Penton Street
and b] Report the incidenct to the police......the more evidence you have the better.....witnesses and photographic evidence the better.Reember the PCO is part of Transport for London.......so contact Boris Karloff...the new mayor of crazytown.....
You could complain to the Licensed Taxi Drivers' Association....kind of a trade union for cabbies....but keen to maintain professional standards....not sure of address.
Best advice i can give.......
Hope you are OK.....i had a smash up in April....frame a total wreck too!.....In answer to your question about bike/frame naming....my late deceased fixie was called Betty.....no not cos of Mrs Rubble......my Mother's name.......new frame will be Betty II.....you gotta give a name.
Hope the bruising is going and no complications......i got concussion and vertigo.....take care.
should've got your breath back, then - unless you're rejecting, in which case you need to go see a cardiologist, like, yesterday.
I have not got the heart to see one of those........though perhaps a lung specialist would be a breath of fresh air........just pausing for........thought........anyway my father worked at Bletchley Park.....which could explain why my ......writing is such an enigma!
Hey, i'd like to take the sugino 103mm, if you could ship to Poland?
Ofc add the difference.. so it will be 20£? that would be fair
Paypal allright
CheersOf course i will send it to Poland.....great grand parents. on my....mother's side came from Poland!..Krakow....to be accurate.......I will go to the post office tomorrow and get a price......£.....then tell you......i will find out about insurance....which city/town?...sure paypal alright.
Tour de France V Tour of Britain........In which country does the cycle have more status?.....is part of the nation's psyche????.....The UK....is a car country....with the likes......Jeremy fascist bastard Clarkson.......perhaps in future in the UK, cyclists will need 4 witnesses to prove you were knocked....not weird....just sadly predictable......not enough votes in the issue!
I have a KMC link in a little blue bag.....never used....for 1/8'' chain.....going spare...do you want it?...If so pm an address and i will send it first class tomorrow.