there can't be anyone who's got into fixies without reading Sheldon..
this dude did.
but its funny you bring up styles because i noticed that last years langsters are all very distinctly imitating the style of bikes in the city they represent. london with a more tradictional track look, new york with the short bars, chicago with the bullhorns, ect. this year they all kind of suck. the SF looks like a nicly decailed 70s inspired bike. the tokyo is red black and gold and inno way looks like the bikes they ride there. witht the success of these bikes one would have thought that they would have put more detail into them again this year.
Seriously the idea of a spoke card is to have something to take away after an event so your wheel becomes like scarp book. Traditionally they come from alley cats but people have made them for rides so get involved with things or design a card for a ride, go on it and hand them out to people on the ride. Better to have a card with a story / reason behind it that just for the sake of it.
I'm more of a traditionalist i guess. spoke cards from not races are up there with langsters. just sayin. -
okay, so how come:
please make sense.
well cupcake i didn't realize that i had to go so into detail over a very simple concept. firstly i was struck when i was 22 in nyc. i was struck the second time during an alleycat in upstate ny, and the third time in philadelphia. i have tossed one u-lock in my life (though various other things have flown subsequently after moving out of philly. wrenchs etc.)
also there are times that negligence causes collisions just as well as recklessness as was the case in NYC. so like i said. in philly it only takes a few locks in cabs windows to get them to be less likely to clip a biker.
how aggressive are you kids? in Philadelphia this sort of thing is taken care of with a u lock in the back window. You'd be surprised on how few locks have to fly before the word gets around. Having never ridden in London though, I'm not sure how well this would fly.
And having had been struck by a car on three separate occasions, never once being at fault I really get frustrated at peoples lack of knowledge when it comes to driving.
is this documented anywhere else than in your own mind?
not sure. but i've come into ss chains over lubed very often and seeing the same persons 8 speed i was told they use the same lube. then i was told by three separate people that the amount needed for a ss is less than a multi. i've found that i use very little lube on my chains (prolly half that i use on my old 9 speed) juuusst saying.
a fixie chain doesn't require as much lubrication as a geared chain. use a dry lube, preferrebly teflon based or wax based. my chain is black. so i don't worry. but i built a functioning ghost bike for my friend that has cancer as kind of a joke for him. everything on the bike is white minus the headset and the crankset (thyre silver until we can get some powder coated) and thast how we keep the entire chain and chainstay purdy clean.
oh yeah. lube lube lube lube.
i wish there were more real track frames in circulation 'round these parts.