Most cabbies are generally twats
i thought that was most definitly so until about a year ago. A cab hit me right up the arse at a turning near st. johns wood, totally his fault, folded my back wheel in two. I was completely still when it happened so i gave him some grief right there. He then pulled over, gave me his details, so i bought a new (substantially nicer) wheel and invoiced him for it. to much surprise he paid up and my thoughts of cuntish taxi drivers vannishd for a brief second (fuck i should have bought a more expensive wheeland srewed the fucker).
anyway thats all forgotten and i still hate taxi drivers for undertaking me at all opportunities, general cutting up and being too wide. though they're not as bad as the criminal mini cab drivers who have the 'booked by TFL' sticker on their back window who pretty much fuck off anything else on the road near them. mini cab on a power trip, bad idea.
(hope this is the correct thread for drunken rants)
i used to have one of these...
teamed up with...which equalled 57mph... the frequency of the light flashing interfered with the speedo. Anybody else experienced this?
not exact same model or make but same effect, but had two speeds, 16mph on flash, and 24mph on single beam. ended up mounting them on opposite ends of the bars. also i have found that when track standing, if the sensors cross continually, i can reach speeds of up to 68mph, which is impressive.
is the path up behind essex road the thin paved one next to the park which has the big bumps you can't see? first couple of times i went down there i got propperly bounced out of the saddle, once into a burnt out moped, lovely area.
could be quite fun for a load of people who don't know the path to hit it at speed in the dark, though i may have spoiled it.............. -
crazy cranks plus interesting frame.
ahh im from really close to there (martock if anyones interested, longest village in europe apparently), shall i get, tis a right bargin...... mmmmmm though skint and it seems a bit silly.
they were only a temorary thing so i could ride it before putting back on my old much loved bars that were too thin for the stem, a coke can and a pair of scissors has solved that.
i'm guessing impaling is not fun, when i was 15 i was riding along no-handed like (i was well cool when i was 15), and the bolt between seat post and seat sheared completely. in breif second i went from posing to seat post inserted into navel to sitting in the middle of the road watching the bike flying off into a hedge.
that was a painful impaling (might still have a scar on my arse), again unlikely to happen, though i now always check the bolt when using an old seatpost,