well i didnt want to elaborate too much on my masochistic tendancies towards bike thieves. i heard somewhere that some french guy was testing his security system, although not intended to fuck em up so to speak it was quite snazy. Basically it was a central locking approach. One you activate the electronic system all QR's become locked, using some kind of magnet system.
ok then. what about tamper sensitive alarm that tazerz the bike as its being stolen and thus the thief also. now thats an idea.
I was thinking about sneaky ways to fuck up someone who managed to steal my bike. For example, find a way of disabling the brakes, so in the event that they did, god forbid, steal my bike, they would sprint away (as a bike stealer would right ?!) and would try to brake at speed, to find themselves rushing headlong into a meat grinder, formaly known as an arctic truck or something bigger. Perhaps using a small paddlock or something on the brakes.
Nother is to stick a spoke in the chain near the chainwheel so that when they decide to hammer the peddals down for that ultimate getaway, they instead do a painful groin plant.
this is assuming the bike has a freewheel. I hate bike thieves. i just cant bear the thought of my bike getting nicked so i use 1 mini u lock and one abus granite x u lock and double lock my bike always. but if they did the satisfaction that they probably stacked it or groin planted would make me feel a whole lot better than just knowing they just sold it to make a quick buck.
I remember as i kid, growing up in tramendously hilly mountinous area in Wales that when i was flying down massive hills i would notice that my wheels would kind of huumm, suggesting that they were not balanced.
Ever since then i've used a reflector on the opposite side of the Valve which causes the imbalance, to kinda re-balance the wheel a little bit.
On my current bike i turned it upside down, spun the wheels to the max in the lowest cog and adjusted the balance by wrapping a small slither of lead around a spoke untill the humm went away. I can proudly say my wheels are almost perfectly balanced. doesnt make a huge difference at normal speeds but it just annoys me to think my wheels are umbalanced.
Does anyone else do this ? or is it me being totally perfectionist. when your flying at 30mph it does make quite a difference i think.