YeeeeeeeeaH...Booooooooi !
East in full effect last night, even if it was more about the chat n beer than the bikes n TT's
Em... reminder
Shins... i feel bad for not listening to that mix - it will be reviewed to the max v.sn
Nice to meet more people and catch up with old acquaintances (Richard)
Pajamas... come back to us (and good skills for making the train this morning)
JDSH - let's bear the evening sesh in mind over the coming weeks,
and Tomasito... if it ain't raining we be training ! -
You don't have a birthday, you were grown from Lichen and moss.
So if you have any of the following we could borrow for a day or two:
[]Garden strimmers / hedge cutters
[]Secateurs - short and long handles (I've got some I can bring too)
[!can help out with any of these... and the work involved
PM me if you still require.
Oh... and I can get these guys to do a live set -
@Pajamas - I just raced a girl on a SS from Angel to Old St. I won of course, but it was so much more fun than when boys want to race! we were smiling and giggling going through traffic!! never seen her before and as we smiled and giggled shyly her tshirt fell over her shoulder a bit and she wobbled on her bike and I steadied her and gave her shoulder a reassuring squeeze and it her skin was hot cos it was a bit sunburned and she had a few freckles lightly dusted on her nose and...
are you published ?
I'd love to do this, but I am going to see Iron Maiden.
Yes, Iron Maiden!!!!!!
Not that I'm excited or anything.......you need to be getting yerself a pair a these :
Glenda's Iron Maiden "Eddie" Vans on Flickr - Photo Sharing!
btw...nice to meet ya on Sunday - i spilt tea all over myself when i said hello - how cool ?
seemed like some serious speeds were getting hit.
It certainly appeared so.
Hard to judge as a spectator, but I'm sure I woulda been trashed.
Pajamas and I will be on the track nxt time - right Phil ? (lovely bike btw)
Nice to meet, yet more friendly faces - CHUG IT, i owe's ya pintage.Good Times people !
yes yes
West drinks were cool - like super cool, like freezin'.
but fun.
Great to finally meet you Murtle (if you haven't decided by now, you never will - but i say get it)
Jonny - nice to talk at last (looks like we got the PSV keeper), and i owe's ya a dwink.
Jim, thanks for the mechanical once over... u just HAD to find fault did'tcha
Gabes, BRM, 50/14, WAID (nice ride back even if it did get a little wet) and the rest of yuz, thanks for welcoming an Eastender.Shins... my guide... praise be... spin on
few drops of rain in W1
very dark... Independence day-sized cloud heading East