There are too many to mention. You know who you are and I love you all and am grateful to you for everything you have done for me these past 13 years.
While time might not allow me to set out my litany of forum saints, there are a few who should be mentioned specifically.
Big Daddy Wayne, Dwayne and Fiddy come immediately to mind. Sorely missed but never forgotten.
It was really nice seeing @Skülly on Saturday morning when we were both, in our different ways, attending to our parental duties.
Hope to see you on a Clarion ride soon.
Thanks @snoops
There is a 'critical maps' live tracker app. Is that used at all?
There is a Telegram channel called "Critical Mass (Live Updates channel)" which gives location sometimes using a live location and seems active.
Not be be confused with a channel started last month and called "Critical Mass" which is an anti vax conspiracy theory channel.
What we have learnt about owners of football clubs is that there is just about zero likelihood of an owner being ethically acceptable and a decent human being. Unless a club can achieve supporter ownership without the ludicrous populism of Barcelona, and that is realistically only possible with a club the size of Clapton Community FC (Vince at Clapton shows how widespread poor ownership can be). To compete in the top levels, the amount of money required and the risk entailed, requires an owner whose motivation is unlikely to be the well being of supporters. Some corrupt bastards are worse than others. Some are simply better at running football clubs. The worst situation is to get a rich bastard owner who is totally inept. You have my sympathy.
Honey fungus appears to be a fairly broad category. Are these likely to be edible or magical?