I have, after some months of pitiful and pathetic crawling, persuaded my wife that I need a single speed/fixed wheel bike.
I am besotted with this one:
and, am going off to order one as soon as I retuirn to London from a business trip in a couple of weeks.
I have decided to go for a flip flop rear wheel with fixed on one side and free wheel on the other. I need help to decide what gear ratios would work best.
I am an overweight elderly man. 15 stone and 50. Not a pretty sight. I have cycled 6000 miles in the past year and aim to increase that over the next twelve months. The SS/Fixie is for commuting (only three miles each way from Islington to the City - slight slope on the way home) and short training rides after work, say laps of Regents Park. I am aiming to lose more weight (yes I was really fat when I took up cycling in earnest just over a year ago) and get stronger but I do not want to mess up my aging knees.
Any suggestions on ratios?
Thanks. I've been riding a Glider Boxer Cross ever since I first dicovered Cyclefit and have never had a flicker of pain from it. Before that I struggled around on a heavy old hybrid which I have had cyclefitted and which still gets me to and from work but I feel the time has come to move onto something better. I saw the bike in the shop a little while ago and fell deeply in love. My wife was initially reluctant for me to clutter the house with another bike and concerned about my mid life obsession. She is now content in the knowledge that I am fitter than I was, thinner and thinking of riding a fixed wheel bike and not the office bike which, in her view and mine, is an all together better way of getting through any mid life crisis.
I am struggling on whether to go with the white saddle and tapes as shown or to go for Brookes. The latter is a little cliched but the former could show wear and dirt.