I'm lovin this whole 'scene' thing, as in wanting to be 'scene' riding a london langster with pink arrowspok. Isn't it about what you do with the bike rather then trying to announce to everyone LOOK I'M RIDING FIXED (as you slap a ped whilst talking on your mobile)?!
Fair play to ya if that's what you want to ride. Everyone's got their own idea of what looks good (or bad). As long as you can actually ride the thing and control it without plowing into the back of me at some lights then I don't give a damn.
I'm surprised at the number of people that just use a dinky little chain as a lock.
6 months ago a gang hit the street outside my work- apparently rolled down it in a van, got out with bolt cutters and grabbed every bike they could get at. Stole one of my work mates' bikes and he was gutted. Few days later I spotted it a couple blocks away being used as a 'decoy.' Called the po-po and the fire brigade showed up and we stole it back. Bike justice!