What's the forum-approved filter coffee machine?
It's just me that drinks it in the house. 2-3 cups per day. Currently using a V60 with Hario thermal carafe. But I'm getting old and lazy. And would love to wake up to a coffee when I go downstairs. I'm not a massive entertainer, but would also be great to be able to offer nice coffee and not have to spend half hour in the kitchen sorting multiple V60s.
This depends on the type of runner your dog is.
If they pull like a train then I'd really recommend getting a running harness (for dog) and canicross belt/bungee (for you) and just letting them give it some welly. The folk at DogFit were really helpful with sizing and they've got lots of advice on their site. Same usual deal with dogs and anything new like harnesses/muzzles/etc – work slow and positive associations only.
I can't comment on the trot alongside type of runners as Vinbo is not that.
Only other advice I have is avoid looking in the mirror when you're wearing the belt.
We’ve got our second session with a dog behaviourist next month. Referred by the vet and covered by Petplan (who are awesome IMO). Obvz got plenty to work on still but reactivity out and about has definitely improved. As others have said, it’s more about helping you read your dog and when to reinforce/reward the good/calm behaviours. Timing is rather important too. Hard to get across in books.
It depends on the size of the food. And if it’s in something (e.g. toy). Small treats he’ll just eat. Larger things like edible chews he’ll either eat (annoyingly quickly the savage!) if he’s hungry or just leave there. We’ve learnt to take these away if he’s not immediately interested because it potentially turns into guarding later on. Treats in toys though is a bit different. We want to give him some mental stimulation (so kibble in wobble dispenser thing) but he has ended up guarding that FFS. I’m now wondering whether to double up on these toys to make them less special.
Back to last night’s/today’s episode… He came out around 1ish. Can only assume because he was thirsty AF and the smell of the ox chew around the corner was too much to resist.
Anyone on here have any success with resource guarding? The little lad gets himself in such a stupid state sometimes. We popped into town for a couple of hours and left him in his crate with an antler and a Kong (the Stuff a Ball type with kibble slotted in). When we got back he was guarding the Kong and wouldn't leave his crate... Come bed time we had to close his crate and go upstairs. Today is going to be interesting.
Thanks +wools
I am lucky, he's super chill and not an issue. He will amuse himself mostly or sleep. Just looking for fun stuff for him.
I am very jealous.
Boxes inside boxes. Bits of paper inside the boxes. Treats/kibble in the bits of paper. Sometimes do this with Vinbo's breakfast if we've got a busy morning.
We got a Kong Stuff-a-ball last week – that keeps him entertained for a while. Not used it in yonks but snuffle mats are also pretty good. And a good ol' frankentoy (made by joining random toys together to make new ones).
Something like Habitat Kilo? Not too modern, mid-century teaky, or spenny. Oak legs too.