yeah I had a simply lovely time, lovely weather like Tom says, Richmond was a peach... my abandon bit me on my own ass later though, wrapped it, heading back, no car, no pedestrian, just my drunk self. Clapham Common (shows how far I made it before the reckoning..). Two nice boys asked me if I was alright.. I said "yeah, sorry I'm pissed." Rode back through the choppy waterz of Vauxhall and E&C, LB etc. without further ado cackling to myself. My left kidney hurts. Great day out, thanks fellers.......
Sorry thought you meant crunk!
mom's carpet threadbare in no time..
Is discombobulation apt when one finds oneself feeling gay on the arrival of a customer into one's proprietorial bosom for the purpose of seeking manual attention to their riding parts?
I sense Roget has been plundered here... "bosom"..hehehe.. if not Bring then you are having an even quieter Friday than the other 144 of us that are signed in..and you must be at work cos if not you'd be grabbing that small chance for a roll in the "sun" ;)
Harsh, very harsh. Okay so someone's settled on a yank surf word for describing feeling good about something they do in the course of their job.
Might I recommend the slightly less current British alternative "chuffed"? or even "chuffed to bits", as you included "super"? As in "Is it lame that I am chuffed to bits etc.."
Come on, chuffed is a rad word.
and for those on the ride, who were wondering what I was whistling, I'm talking to you phil, it was bugz in the attic "once twice" link below.
Now CB that sounds wonderful but it bears little resemblance to the three or four notes you selected carefully from it then whistled with the repetitive enthusiasm of Rain Man... glad I've got the whole soundscape now, maybe the Blackfoot remix is due..?