In case anyone is searching for lyrical inspiration, there's a great twitter thread with meal scenes from books: https://twitter.com/frankcottrell_b/status/1364286596250533897
So many good references in there to chuck into a song.
A couple of observations from twitter:
"A reminder to all Americans that the net effect of our [UK] prime minister catching COVID-19 was that it prompted a surge of patriotic support. From which he emerged with renewed popularity. Which enabled him to tear up key functions of the state"
"It also silenced press & parliament at key moment in crisis from asking critical questions. And when it was announced he was moving to intensive care was moment of national shock. Everything about this is rocket fuel for ‘patriotism'"
I think this is pretty astute. If he can fight off the 'China Plague' Trump's team will use this to his advantage.
Yeah, using the blockchain through their production process is interesting, and one of the reasons we went with them. We'll see how important it is when it comes to providing provenance, but one of the ways to make back the cost of bottling / taxes is to sell a bottle or two, so it's good to know every bottle can be traced from source.
So in answer to your question @cornelius_blackfoot - yes, group buys are a thing!
Sorry, just saw the replies on this. Thanks for the offer @Ruserius but I'm not down for this one - i'll hopefully join you on the next North ride. Enjoy!
Go for it @Lucybee! I'll join the next one. Hope it's a good ride.
We are a right of centre country
Not in Scotland where the successful impementation of progressive policies has increased the SNP's popularity across the left and middle ground. This seems to be the tricky part. Starmer needs 40 of those Scottish seats and currently has nothing to offer as he won't commit to a second Scottish referendum for fear it'll be the break up of the union.
It's tricky. There's a 25 page risk assessment. Minimal number of people on set at any one time. Everybody wears masks whilst not filming. Everything is wiped down. Extras are made up of people already living together. Shots are made to look like people are standing closer together than they are, etc., etc.
The tv industry has been back filming for about 4 weeks using pretty strict filming guidelines.
Hello. I'm trying to find a house or decent sized-flat in London to do some filming for a tv show this weekend, from roughly 6pm to midnight on Friday 26, Saturday 27, and Sunday 28 June.
We don't want a show-home (which is what a lot of location scouts provide), but instead something lived-in, and preferably ex-council / local authority, though that's not essential.
We pay a location fee.
Friend just posted this stealth keyboard, shared from mechboards.co.uk
Someone is desperate for a forfeit.