i have just finished building something similar . . . its a pinnacle alloy/carbon (no 71 of 100 made for their team riders) frame with pace carbon forks up front, everything else race face except for the dmr hubs which i got courtesy of eeehhh . . i love it because you can charge on it and it takes a beating, though i think i will be upgrading it to 700c wheels at some point as the 26's are sluggish coming off of 700's . . its like a big boys bmx, i dont use it for getting from A to B, just for getting on when i want to go ride and let off some steam . . its away for the weekend but can post pics on tuesday . . . i think the DL would make a good addition to a quiver, but not as your one and only machine . . .
these are life lessons, i believe, and as you age you will come to agree. and you will need less pairs of clean pants.
As true a words as i have heard for many a year . . . i feel i have furthered my education through this experience , and hope that in time my pant draw will indeed bear testimony to this
However right or wrong you may view it Ken f@@cked himself with the western extension - i think the majority of people round here viewed it as a class tax, and it mobilised them to vote for Boris. EDIT: I live in fulham and work in Chelsea
I couldnt stand Ken the person, but irrespective of that you could tell he cared deeply about London and being the mayor, but he also began to see himself as 'president' of London - who knows what Boris will do, i think the bureaucracy is too big for him to unwind the good things Ken has done, and who knows he might do some good, especially if Cameron gives him a good gang of advisors.
To discount him for being an Eton and Oxford toff is as bad as the people who voted Ken out for being a communist peasant - a sentiment often heard round the bars of chelsea clapham and fulham
Gotta call bullshit on that one. that would be of no use for either of the hour records. Not made of round steel tubing so that's the athletes hour out. No where near aero enough for the real hour.
Lance Armstrong in 05
"It's interesting; at the Discovery team presentation, we talked about the possibility to build a velodrome and everyone went into a frenzy... 'he's going to buy the Hour Record'. I said it was a possibility; I didn't say we had already built the freakin' track! We were exploring every possibility like we do with everything. So that was, of course when we were not certain I was doing the Tour, so everything else is on the back burner and after that, we'll decide. For all the purists out there, I will say IF there's an hour record and IF one is done at altitude, there WILL be one done at sea level."
They never did it though
the reason i was whaling on these frames is because a. i think they look a bit nasty, and b. vinyl villain came on REALLY strong in the last thread extolling their virtues, without really having any idea what he was talking about.
Ha . . true i did come on strong, but thats because i have actually checked out the frames,rather than rating them on the hackney hipstometer like you have, and whilst not by any means being a frame builder i do know a thing or two about quality workmanship given that my real life job is project managing large scale engineering projects with a sideline in building custom motorcycles, where bad welds cost you your life, not just your skinny black jeans . . . from what i saw these do have a lot of quality to them. I very much doubt that unless you have significant metalworking experience that the majority of people here can actually tell if something is good enough aside from commenting on how pretty a weld is.
The main reason i was so excited is that its not every day that you bump into someone 100m from your doorstep who will build you a custom frame to your specs for 600 quid, the guy was happy to chat about all the could do, and he explained that they can do any paint job/graphics you want on them . . that and the fact that nice bikes still have the ability to turn a 30 year old into a dribbling teenager again . . and if thats a sin i'm going straight to hell.
I did say to him that i thought the name was a bit weird, as to me it gives the impression of trying too hard to look like a Japanese builder . . anyway i have to agree that the on they have in Cavendish bikes is not really my cup of tea, but the lo-pro and in particular the freestyle frame they had in SBR really impressed me.
With the freestyle frame you could really tell that a lot of though had gone into making the frame fit for purpose, with a steep steering angle, reinforced in all the right place so it can take a hammering without looking overbuilt, forks designed to be ridden both ways, and a lovely wishbone arrangement for the rear - it is also very subtly put together, beautifully stealthy if you like that look, which i do - just was really nice to see someone pushing fixed wheel/ SS design forward and away from the classic replica look that dominates today, and looking at building bikes that can handle the new direction that many riders are pushing what they do on there bikes in.
entry level frames you say?
"IMO" total bullshit. this piece of cack is from elizabeth duke, like matey says above. i bet it lasts about five seconds before some catastrophic failure occurs as a result of the hipster's mullet snagging in the plastic lockring.
Whoa temper temper, i didnt say a bob is rubbish, just that its the first step into a world that can see you spending thousands of pounds on a frameset, i'd happily roll around on one . . . i do like the way you can tell its a piece of cack from a picture, and just so you know i have a background in mechanical engineering, and dable in a bit of metalwork myself, so whilst i'm certainly not a bike builder i can tell a decent frame from a sh!t one.
I am suprised at the response to these, i was just pleased to see some nicely made frames that you dont see every day, and the guy who makes em was happy to chat and explain what they could do build wise. Why dont you go and look for yourself before going on the offensive?
i seen so many west londoners carving it up on carbon wheels at £2000.
thousands. well, not quite. NONE.
VV's on commission.
Ha . . Well maybe i should be . . but carbon wheels are fairly common round here - i see a guy comuting on a Specialized tri bike down munster road every morning for one, and some of the stuff you see folks in chelsea rolling around on these days would have been TDF kit only a few years back
i really doubt if these frames are a step up from bob jackson.
they've been building frames since before this guy's dad was even a twinkle in his grandad's eye.
Well IMO a bob jackson, whilst a nice enough bit of kit, is pretty much an entry level frame when it comes to the world of quality frames, and a companies age has got nothing to do with the product they put out. Anyway each to their own, but i was mighty impressed with the quality of work that had gone into these frames - and they certainly dont resemble the hhsb's and hipstermobiles you see cluttering up the eastend these days.
600 is way too expensive...i would rather get a proper frame.
Proper frame . . . ? 600 quid for a full custom build seems pretty good to me, and the quality of these frames is top notch, certainly a step up from a Bob Jackson
And as for the 2 grand price tag on the one with carbon wheels, which dont really suit the frame, they probably sell that in no time in fulham.
So i popped into SBR/Bonthrone bikes in fulham today to check on some part i ordered, only to be greeted by some of the most awesome SS frames i have seen.
Turns out the polish mechanic downstairs builds his own frames, and does custom builds, under the name Katana - I though i recognized one of the frames, and sure enough Cavendish bikes have on built up, pics of which have been posted before:
Anyway they have on display a built up bike, sh!t pic taken on phone so apologies:
Also a beautiful 650 front lowpro frame that i would sell my soul to get hold of, a specially designed 'freestyle' frame designed to make doing fixed gear tricks/barspins etc easier and several others, all fit for the bike porn thread, and all going for 600-650 quid. I had a long chat with the guy, and he said they can build whatever you want.
Strongly suggest getting your asses down there if you can to check out these frames, i gave him the website details and he said he would take some pics and post them up on here.
Fat Tire Amber Ale, i love this sh!t but hard to get over here:
Fat Tire, an Amber Ale, is the company's flagship beer. The recipe originates from a co-founder's bicycle trip through Belgium[U][/U] from brewery to brewery. The company promotes its Fat Tire ale locally by the public placement of colorful vintage bicycles outside its brewery, which is located adjacent to the public bike path along the Cache La Poudre River.
i have a white Specialized Alias 143 saddle from an 07 Allez that you can have for free if you can collect somewhere near fulham or chelsea, used for a week only and pretty much brand new
Our Pro-level saddle is restyled & lighter weight. To ensure a great fit, this proven design is available in 3 different width options to provide optimal fit. Combined with our medically tested Body Geometry blood-flow technology to reduce numbness, the Alias redefines the crossing point between ergonomic comfort and pro-level performance. BG design is patented & lab tested in Cologne Germany
Available in 130, 143 & 155 widths for optimum fit for a range
Lighter weight Tuned Density Foam padding
Seamless Micromatrix cover
Lightweight hollow titanium rails
Lightweight carbon reinforced shell
Approximate weights (+/- 5%): 130mm = 250g, 143mm = 255g, 155mm = 265g
Length 270mm
This is an interesting thread . . . however i voted for Boris, why, because my work involves me having to drive a commercial vehicle into the congestion charge for most of the year, and it hits me hard in the wallet, if there was a viable alternative i would go for it, but there isn't . . i agreed with the original CC, but the new proposals where plain stupid, as an environmental policy TFL's emission tax has a hole in it bigger than the one we are making in the ozone layer. If i drive a Van into the CC and park up after a mile, then i will have burdened the environment with 400g of CO2 . . if a Toyota Prius covers 10 miles from health food shop to shiatsu bar to Hemp U Like emporium it will have contributed 1040g of CO2.
The problem with Kens big idea is not that, at best, its was ineffectual or, at worst, damaging to the environment. The real problem is that it got past the planning stage in the first place. There are 2 scenarios; either nobody thought of this obvious flaw in the plan, in which case God help us all, or as is far more likely one of the bright young things at Kens elbow raised his hand in a meeting to point out this problem only to have his concern dismissed as an inconvenient truth.
Maybe its time to remember that in a world where those who could make a difference choose to levy petty penalties, its not big cars that will cause the planet the most concern, but small minded politicians.
I also voted Tory in the last general election because of one factor, that Labour wanted to cut the facilities at Charing Cross Hospital and the Tory's pledged to maintain it, i have lived in Fulham all my life and that hospital has saved both mine and my dads life, and is essential to the ordinary lives of many locals.
Most of the gestures i have seen from both sides are token - either go the whole hog and pedestrianize most of central London with goods access during restricted hours, bring all taxis (the heaviest polluters on our roads) into a decent emissions limit, and make Public Transport the only viable option, or carry on and put sensible road pricing options into action and make the citys traffic work while gradually phasing in emissions and traffic controls. The current restrictions are far more easy tax revenue for the government than they are beneficial restrictions that we the people can see and reap the benefits of.
I can understand the green issues of a number of us on here, and i always choose human powered transportation when i can, but i too live in the real world, and for one have had enough of political grand standing disguised as environmental policy's with revenues that have failed to ever be truly recycled into public transport, or environmentally friendly transport systems.