Not wanting to hijack this thread, but what frame / fork combination is your bike... im new to this SS/Fixed carry on and thing your bike looks awsome.
Many thanks.
You know how to stoke an ego... The frame is a Steve Goff. I'm thrilled with it, cheaper than bob jackson and mercian, less common as well. Most importantly, it rides great. Forks have long since had the stickers removed, forget what thye are. If I had my time again I'd get steel forks (in fact, I still might).
Thanks for the extra comments. So it seems I definitely don't need to worry about the hubs. And Courant, that crows foot lacing pattern looks quite intersting indeed. Re deep versus shallow section rims, I was more interested in the look than speed. I'd be slow even if the I had all the fast bits out there.
Blonde mohawk, sunglasses, black frame, white vs this morning at the roundabout where Millbank joins Lambeth Bridge - Object?
Spotted the same fella today, or maybe I did. The mohawk thing was worked into clusters of 3 or 4 lethally sharp pyramids. Midday, Canary Wharf, I gave him a nod and got one back, even though the guy with me was on a brompton foldinger.
Anyone missing an Ortowski?
This looks well dodgy, going for £75:
http://www.gumtree.com/london/78/30806278.htmlAs dodgey as all hell. 'Frame slightly damaged' - ie damaged when they stole it.
I've got a few bikes I can donate. Also wheels and and such. I've offered them to Greasy Slag for the ghost bike thing but he hasn't managed to collect. It's a case of whoever's first! I'm moving soon so need to sort this out, about a month to go.
-1 to this offer. GS has just left with said bikes! Might find a few tools in the clean up before I move out though...
Some Ambrosio hubs fell into my lap at HH2 a few months ago. So this means I need some wheels built up.
To quote Chris Chrash 'Those hubs are cheaper than your t-shirt and won't last as long'. (I was wearing a £5er t-shirt). So... don't want to over do it then.
A few bits of info:
- silver hubs, both 32h
- the rear is fixed-fixed. I have in mind to take advantage of this by riding to the velodrome, swapping the wheel around and doing a bit of club racing on the track (cat4 - I'm not fast).
- plain jane red frame
- awful carbon fibre forks so I don't need a fussy look
- the wheel set will be a second wheel set. I'll just throw them on in emergencies (or track days). Or... to use on my next bike build. That won't be anything special.
I though of sticking something like a black deep rim on the back, cross laced and just a normal profile road rim on the front, but with radial lacing. I'd like your ideas - what would look ok and what would work for the type of uses I'm talking about?
The photos below are the bike they'll be used on to start with and the hubs.
- silver hubs, both 32h
I would have voted for Obama but the tone of most of this celebration puzzles me.
I did say similar things about a guy called Kevin Rudd when he got voted in as the Australian PM. He replaced John Howard who had cuntenger down to a fine art. He's got a mixed score card after being in the role for a while. And I think Obama will be the same - mixed results.
I say that though because Rudd is so much better as a statesmen in terms of how he leads humans as opposed to numbers and guns.
The point is that with Obama coming in and George Bush and his insipid, cunted up neocon crew going out, it is a fucking good day. Who wouldn't do cartwheels to celebrate that? Bush (and those who control him) did so much to fuck up this planet. Obama has been 'on message' about winding that back - if only so far. I look forward to that change.
He couldn't be on zaffiros. They won't puncture until you've worn down to the inner tube.
(I'll be regret giving myself the jinx pretty soon)
ok, too fucken funny by far. Rode past 3 smashed car windows in a row. Glass everywhere. Got a puncture straight through the zaffiro. Slow leak so got home, but now I've had to stick a continental gator skin on as punishment for what I said above...
Forgive me.
I've been runnin Gatorskins and Rubino Pro's for a year - only ONE puncture on both bikes. I changed as I had Zaffiros before and was getting 2 a month
I was just baiting you, I think the same things have been said on a boring tyre thread.
It was good to meet some of you lot last night. Good to feel welcome as a nurseryenger. Looking forward to the next one.
The other way around, more like it. I'm the sore thumb in business attire, down near the bottom right. Proof at least that I'm no fakenger or hipster (keep city wanker jokes to yourself everyone...). And I'm redundant now, along with about 100+ others from my office of 350 people. Will I commit suicide? Doubt it. I'm moving to Sydney and going straight to the beach.
Will - great work, great project.