yea i can kind of see why. i think its becuase they are different. but those in particular seem to annoy me more than they should. perhaps im being a liitle bit over the top with the puke bit but i think i just like metal spokes and good composite wheels too much. and that girls yellow and blue bike back in the day just didnt fit in with the good mountain bike stuff in my shed at the time. i think it left a dirty stain on my mind. its funny cos it got stolen. the night they broke in was the night i decided to put my bikes in the house after we went riding. (she rode one of mine, not even her own thats how bad it was). almost like it was planned... hmm
Arrospok - look nice - ride bad.
surely not, they look awful. i mean really awful. years ago i went out with a girl who had a £100 catalogue bike which was yellow and had blue plastic 5 spoke wheels. sparrowpokes just remind me of that. just cheap and cheap looking. add that to the fact that they are flexible and i just dont understand why people who actually love to ride bikes can claim to like them. gross. like puke. i think its like buying brand new worn out jeans to look cool but just failing. buying shitty non practical wheels to look cool, and just making your bike look cheap. like upvc windows and doors that de value your property. london roads are shit from my experience and wobbly wheels and compromised front brakes from widening your brake cos of the wiggle sounds pretty dumb to me. amazing bit of marketing though, cos somehow they manage to get away with making ugly cheap looking wobbly heavy ass wheels that people bum and spend loads on. clever. but owning them is not clever. think i wont be slitting my wrists tonight im too tired to have to clean the mess up after.
It was a nightmare getting all those bones . . . .
er slack chain... does that give me points?
Put up, what up, BO BO BO!
Suckers want to flow but they got no show
So I'm a grab the bike, flip a script, and leave ya stunned
Whatfriends the one that gets the job done.and later
im a rugged operator like arnold schwarzeneger.
but i dont drink or live in london so probably wont get the opportunity play that game, however, stop me if you see me riding during my weekend visits and i'll beat you in a game of mercy. yep. challenge right there.
Haha didn't realise you were all cocks!
this is weird, i was looking for asomewhere appropriate to ask this question in all seriousness, being a fairly new boy to the forum world myself i think its worth asking and t=this seems as appropriate as any oplace i found what with philxthomas only joining today..... how long do you have to be here posting before you can make fun of people who you have never met without it being taken as offensive? i did post something before which in hindsight made me sound rude so i was just wondering ya know? cos there is a member whos name is just asking to be mentioned i think.
ha i liked that. i also liked this i saw on a frame in new york in trackstars
right then. so i assume that most people have a route or maybe several that they ride routinely. mine is broad lane tottenham hale to paddington station or reverse. last night on a full stomach carrying the heaviest bag i have ever brought to london i managed to beast my personal best and get 33:56. i think the fact that it was nine in the evening on a sunday helped. as did the drum and bass in my ears. dont know how far it is but i was well happy. so how about everyone else? where do you go and how long does it take?
Does anyone know of any helmets that don't look completely shit?
there are some that look good. plenty in fact. but mostly the rule is this.... they always look shit on yourself when you look in the mirror but not on anyone else when you see them in the street...... shame. but i suppose you dont much look at yourself whilst wearing one.
in response to the thread, i teach cycling profficiancy so i wear it at work 100% and tell the kids i always wear it but, well, ya know. i dont wear it much these days.
I like how nothing in that song is really ironic. It's...ironic.
therin lies the point of that song and indeed the proof that alanis morrisette is hactually a genius. i know if she posted on here we'd be spell bound by her posts and stop this arguing right now just to see what genius she'd write next.
also she might have a go at my missing word game and come up with a real corker that would put everyone else to shame. oh hang on, no one else had a go. that puts me to shame. shame. -
well on a lighter note, i just tried to use the search function for the original hiphop slave thread instead of just asking and then getting told to search. ok so i didnt find it but guess what, on the bit where you have to type in the words for verification one of the words was bronx. hiphop-bronx. get it. amazing coincidence. so who can fill the space in the classic bdp lyric below with the best word, misspelled or not.
the bronx created hiphop, ________ will always get dropped. ya still tellin lies to me.
i am glad this thread has turned into things peope say incorrectly that annoy you... so here are my two pennys worth. the one that annoyes me the most is when people say disoriented instead of disorientated. i have heard BBC newscasters get this wrong and it makes me want to shout.
i dont so much mind about spelling mistakes, and typing errors. personally, i rarely use capital letters and am aware of it and indeed am fine about it so no need to point it out, but if you ever hear me describe that man with no hair as being bold, then kick me in the teeth.
and get suicide advice too. dont forget that.