Has there been a Leyton/Leytonstone Vs. Walthamstow thunderdome in here ever?
I've been viewing in Walthamstow, but the overall impression I get is people pushing prams around, fried chicken shops, and carpet shops.
I need to have a good look around Leyton/Leytonstone, but was wondering if anyone had any pointers, eg. any positives apart from being cheap?
Been in Leyton for 6 months. Spotted my first bearded-manboy-on-a aerospok'd-fixie on Saturday. Its happening.
If it works for you, great. Well done. Giffgaff was fucking shit for me.
Recurring goodybags which failed and used up my credit. No customer support. Less than 10kb/s connection speeds despite H+ connection. Being called a liar for blaming them (rightly) and not my bank. "better coverage" only in certain parts of the city, not out in the suburbs and the proper countryside.You get what you pay for, O2's offcuts is what it feels like.
I have left giffgaff for 3 too, mainly due to the recent stupid advert.
To anyone contemplating a DIY fix: beware the large capacitor that powers the flash
#hashtag voiceofexperience