I don’t have a degree- I went to UCL to study Architecture but being an alcoholic torpedoed that pretty effectively.
I admit I feel that failure, sometimes more than others- and would like to get a degree, if for no other reason than to prove that I can actually do it, although I very much enjoy learning.
What options have people here pursued for a degree qualification later in life when they have a pretty demanding job?
There has been some discussion about how to prepare for this eventuality recently- no use to you and I apologise if this seems uncaring but it might be useful for others.
Apparently the typical MO for a thief that steals your phone whilst in use is to open the camera app, which prevents the screen lock from occurring. This means that they can get to a place where they’ll be undisturbed and then access your apps, including SMS, WhatsApp and email in order to get codes and authorisations. Apple iOS has a function where with a long press on an application you can select additional login requirements- Face ID to open the SMS app for example.
I have set this for all my messaging applications including social media such as Instagram which have a messaging function which might be used to attack people using my identity. What this means is that even if the thief grabs the phone whilst it is unlocked they can’t then open any app which they might use to access your banking/place orders, or attack your contacts.
The other thing to do is to set a SIM PIN so that the attacker cannot put your SIM into another phone in order to receive one time passwords.
Sure, but what I meant was that rather than deleting content/banning the person and risking infringing on their speech as protected by the act, just make them invisible to logged in users and they’ll scream into the void for a while and then bugger off (hopefully).