wife went to London at weekend and saw van driver wanting to turn left with indicator on-had to "park up" and wait while 20 or so (and she's not prone to exaggerate)cylists undertook-some cyclists are not trying to endear themselves to motorists and with so many riding riskily it must be fluke that there are'nt more collisions
I'm out of touch here I know, but when did "made in Taiwan" become an indicator of quality?
a while ago;I'm not very knowledgeable but I believe some of the highest regarded cycle frame and component mongers get the stuff manufactured in Taiwan,even if they still make flagship models in house.In defence of Ed ,I'm guessing he means that the high quality Indian bicycle manufacturing industry is not yet aparent in western world
I couldn't agree with you more here, I've already got my eyes on another lock as my new road bike has quick release front wheels.
But it really does make me laugh that people want to spend 1k on a bike then question £50 on a lock when chances are they will look at buying another bike in a few days time.
What the consensus out there on middleburn cranks? I'm really temped by a (second hand) pair of these. Are they worth the money? I'm not so keen on hollowtech as researching into them the baring don't seem to have very good longevity, I'd rather have longevity.
I've got Middleburn cranks on UN72 BB.Absolutely love 'em.BB lasting years-still no play.Get 'em !
+1 to Scraggie Borsha(suspension forks take away the bucking bronco fun!).I started off-road 12 years ago fully-rigid and had slight shoulder problems from the bumping about.Fitted sus fork; this cured shoulder but made bike heavier and climbing worse.Eventually went back to fully rigid and realised I had developed a riding style which negated the need for suspension.I dont do extreme free-riding/North Shore stuff and it's win win all the way.
i know!
nah. just riding rigid MTBs feels shitty and slower to me.
might be the trails i'm used to as well.
you just can't go as fast or as aggressively.
unless you're talking North Shore style stuff this is not true(for me anyway)
fully rigid superlight mtb =fast as f*ck
full bounce off-road compared to fully rigid is like hybrid compared to track framed bike on-road (IMHO) -
needs rear view mirrors, computer,light,and map holder for the fully busy look